Welcome to Apreiskimo Parapijos
English Language Bulletin ZINIOS
December, 2012
The Year of the Faith has begun. It is our duty as Catholics to know, live, and exemplify the Holy Faith, with which we were blessed at our baptism, every day in our lives. The American Bishops have asked us to strengthen our life in the Holy Faith by: HEARING MASS; CONFESSING OUR SINS; LEARNING ABOUT THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS; READING THE BIBLE EVERY DAY; READING THE VATICAN II DOCUMENTS; STUDYING THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH;VOLUNTEERING YOURSELF IN YOUR PARISH; HELPING THOSE IN NEED: ASKING YOUR FRIENDS TO COME TO MASS; LIVING THE BEATITUDES EVERY DAY.
December 2, First Sunday of Advent
Straw Ornament Workshop, Parish Lower Hall
Vaiku Liturgija, Annunciation Church
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
December 8, Our Lady of Guadeloupe Feast Matins, Annunciation Church
Breakfast 5:30 AM, Parish Lower Hall
Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Guadeloupe, Annunciation Church
December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Mass (in Spanish) 5:00 PM, Annunciation Church
5PM Feast Festival follows Mass, Mt. Carmel Lower Gym
December 9, Second Sunday of Advent
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
December 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Patroness of the Americas
December 16, Third Sunday of Advent
Annual Joint KUCIOS 11:15 AM, Mt. Carmel Lower Hall
December 23, Fourth Sunday of Advent
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
December 24, Christmas Eve Berneliu Misios
Christmas Carols 9:45 PM. Mass, 10:00 PM Annunciation Church
Refreshments Follow Mass, Parish Lower Hall
December 25, Christmas Day
December 30, Sunday within the Octave of Christmas
Feast of the Holy Family
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
January 1, Feast of the Solemnity of Mary
January 6, Epiphany
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
HEADS UP! The Feast of the Nativity …CHRISTMAS! is coming!
Annunciation Christmas Cards will be available at Kavine….$5 a box, each with a picture of our Lord’s House on North 5th and Havemeyer all dressed up for Christmas!
Donations for Poinsettias for the Altar can be sent to ANNUNCIATION, 279 N. 8 St. Brooklyn, NY 11211 att: Phil Caponegro. Make check payable to ANNUNCIATION, or use the envelopes in the church vestibule.
Christmas Wafers (Plotkeles) will be available in December at Kavine. They come in an envelope with FOUR plotkeles. See Asta Barkauskas.
Gift subscriptions to BRIDGES are available at: www.lithuanian-american.org
A Mosaic of Works, The book about the work of Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid, can be purchased at LCRA -64-25 Perry Ave., Maspeth New York.
RELIGIOUS BOOKS SALE Sunday, December 9, starting at 9:00 AM in the Lower Hall of Mt. Carmel Church. Books are great presents, in spite of computers!
KUCIOS will be held Sunday, December 16 (OLMC Hall) after Mass. (Thank you, NY Scouts, Maironis School and Annunciation Lithuanian Affairs Committee!) Tickets are $15 adults, $5 children 3-16, children under 3, no charge. Tickets can be purchased in the Lower Hall at Kavine, or contact Raimundas Slizys at lti...@aol.com. Come and break the traditional Plotkeles with parishioners, friends, school children, and Scouts!
There will be a special “puppet show” presentation by the children of Maironis School, the traditional carrying of the wreath and lighting of the candles by the scouts, and traditional foods on the Kucios table, donated by School, Scout, and Parish families.
Christmas Eve Mass (Berneliu Misios) will be said at 10:00 PM on December 24. The Mass will be preceded by the singing of traditional Lithuanian Carols by Annunciation Choir. Following Mass, refreshments will be served in the Parish Lower Hall. Volunteers are needed to donate cakes, to help with the set-up after Kavine on December 23, and to help with the CLEAN UP. Someone is DESPERATELY needed to be in the Hall from 9:30 PM to help receive the donations. Having someone there at that time will also allow parishioners access to the REST ROOMS before Mass.
The Annual Annunciation Parish Thanksgiving Feast took place November 25 after Mass. Retired priest Father Tom Haggerty, who lives at Mt. Carmel Rectory, joined us for the feast. He graciously blessed our food and all of us in the absence of Fr. Volertas, who had commitments at Transfiguration parish. Pressing duties at Mt. Carmel kept Monsignor Calise from joining us.
Parishioners, and guests, including a dear lady from PUNSK! Happily dined on turkey and kotlets and venison stew and all the side dishes traditional to Thanksgiving feasting. There was pumpkin pie and cranberry bread for dessert, and a fun lottery, graciously run by Ramute Zukas, Stasys Kavaliauskas, and Vida Jankauskas. Thanks go to Ramute Zukas, Gloria O’Brien, Pat Sidas, and several anonymous donors for the lottery gifts. Vytautas Cereska brought both his keyboard and his accordion to entertain and lead the singing following the meal…What Fun! ACIU!
Big, big thanks go to Pat Sidas and her Feast Committee, Joe and Irene Rudis, Anele Jasevicius and Ramute Hopanus for arranging and setting up the feast; to Vida Penikas, who sold the tickets, to Raimundas and Tracey Slizys, who kept the liquid refreshments flowing, Onute Povilaitis, Nijole Zukauskas, Vitalija Slizys, Nijole Mazeika, Saulius and Grazina Janusas, for general assistance, to servers Matas Slizys. Arijana Lukosevicius, Monika Sabalis, Jean Pietrusiewicz, to the generous folk who brought extra desserts, and to EVERYBODY who helped with the clean-up.
The Annual Straw Ornament Workshop was held after both Masses on December 2. (Thanks, Lithuanian Folk Art Institute, NY Chapter members Asta Bublis, Rasa Sprindys, and Pat Sidas, who demonstrated this unique Christmas art.
The 2012 Bishop’s Appeal is drawing to a close. Annunciation’s “quota” is $3,611. A BIG Annunciation THANK YOU to those who already made a donation. Bishop DiMarzio prays especially for ALL of you every day……..Envelopes are available in the vestibule of the church.
Did you know that our parish was founded, by German speaking people, in 1863? Members of the Annunciation Lithuanian Affairs Committee are working on researching the founding of the parish and the evolution of the church interior design. Does ANYONE “out there” have a photograph that clearly shows the original PULPIT? It was removed sometime in the 1960s, it is thought. If you do, please contact either Dr. Algis Lukosevicius, Raimindas Slizys, or Pat Sidas.
Congratulations to new altar server, Gytis Kavaliauskas, son of Laima and Stasys. The entire Kavaliauskas family is most grateful for all the kindnesses shown them in the wake of their losses due to Hurricane Sandy.
ATTENTION! VOLUNTEER USHERS are URGENTLY needed at Sunday Mass. Receiving the temporal offerings of our parishioners and guests and delivering them to the Altar at Sunday Mass is a noble thing to volunteer to do. Please consider volunteering to help the current Usher staff. (Lit...@aol.com)
BIG THANKS to Grazina Janusas, who has been writing the Annunciation Parish Bulletin while Vida Jankauskas has been off on Mociute Duty!
To ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church: Joe Rudis has the Sunday Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50. MASS IS SAID EVERY WEDNESDAY (in Spanish) at 7:00 PM. AT ANNUNCIATION. Intentions are available for this Mass. Contact Msgr. Calise at OLMC...@YAHOO.COM for information.
Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, Joe Levonas, and Anele Steponis are suffering the assaults of age. Gloria O’Brien, Antanas Vytuvis, Regina Gelzinis, and Jerry Cernauskas also need prayers. Dan Schmedlein is improving, but still needs prayers.
KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@SOL.COM so she can help you coordinate your donation. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. Aciu to Rany and Milda Chakar-Palubinskas for cookies, Albina Zumbakis, for donations of cake, the Kungys family for the donation of apple pie. The Sidas family and the Povilaitis family have provided luncheons in honor of the late Vladas Sidas and Ursule Povilaitis. Monika and Paulius Sabalis donated a bag FILLED with useful “stuff”! Anita Walters not only donated cookies, she donated HERSELF by coming early one Sunday to help set up! Grazina Janusas also brought cookies…………She and Saulius always stays LATE to help clean up!
This time of year many of us get New Year Calendars in the mail. Sometimes we get more than we can use. If you have extra 2013 calendars, consider bringing them to the publications table at Kavine!
May they rest in peace in the arms of the angels! Beloved wife and mother, Scout, Choir member and Nurse, Ramute Cesnavicius has gone home to the Father. She is survived by Algis, her husband, sons Tomas and Viktoras Lora, and Rimas, Kristina, and Audrone Cesnavicius and their families. Famed Lithuanian author Vytautas Volertas has died. He is survived by his wife Brone and sons Virgis and Rev. Vytautas. The sister of Petras Sevelkovas has died in Lithuania. Sofija Kulys has died. She is survived by her daughter Regina. Angela Minsevičius, who was a longtime choir member, has died.
Grateful News from Maryte Sandanavicius Newsom: Captain Alex Newsom (and his men) are back from Afghanistan, safe and sound. We will be seeing him soon. Thanks for your prayers. They were his saving grace. The Blessed Mother probably got tired of hearing from me!!! Thank you. God!
Parish Council News: Annunciation’s Lithuanian Community was represented by Vida Jankauskas and Algis Lukosevicius at the December meeting.
News from Mt. Carmel: (www.olmcchurchbk.com) Mt. Carmel Serenity Sunday Mass at 5:00 pm.. Next Serenity Sunday will be January 6. Glad Tidings (LGBT Community): Meets second and fourth Monday, 7:00 PM. Msgr. Calise and Pastoral Assistant Giuditta Coccia regularly visit the folk in the nearby Keser Nursing Home. Volunteers to visit with lonely seniors are needed. Call Alice Hoffman at 718-858-6200 or www.kesernursinghome.com for information on volunteering.
Our Lady of Vilnius News: Elaine Derso, 212-874-2506, eede...@aol.com or Mindaugas Blaudziunas at mind...@msn.com.
Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid News: WEBSITE www.lkrsalpa.org , E-mail l...@earthlink.net , tel: 718-326-5202.
MAIRONIS SCHOOL NEWS: 206 Skillman Avenue , Brooklyn Contact Director Fausta at dire...@maironiomokykla.org for more information!
TRYPTINIS, NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble Jonas Jankauskas Kopu...@gmail.com .
NORTHSIDE SENIOR CENTER: 179 North 6th (Bet. Bedford and Driggs Aves.) “Morning Coffee Break”, lunch, recreational, educational, and social activities, a COMPUTER LAB, and Social Services information available FREE, or for VERY LITTLE charge. (718-387-2316.)
NEWS FROM PITTSBURGH! The annual Kucios/Christmas Party will take place on Sunday, December 9th at 2 p.m.. The location will be the lower hall at 1725 Jane St., Pittsburgh.
Cost is $5 per person if you bring a covered dish to serve or $10 with no dish. Children age 12 and under are free. Call Millie Sukys at 412-341-7925. or info@pittsburghlithuanians.com
See their 100th Anniversary Celebration at:
Welcome to our New readers: Rimas Vaitauskas
ZINIOS reader, Architect Julie Minkunas, has submitted a design for a memorial park, located in Vilnius Lithuania. Julie writes that …I was invited to participate in an on-going design competition for that site. My design speaks of elements pertaining to the ancient culture and faith of Lithuanians; it is a proposed memorial in Lithuania to commemorate the perseverance of the spirit of Lithuanians through several dark eras in modern history including the Holocaust and Soviet occupations. It’s location, orientation and makeup is highly symbolic. It reflects the power of the human spirit, despite the darkness that can befall humanity. I ask you to take 35 minutes of your time – during your lunch break, while on a commuter train, bus, taxi, before bed time, or with your breakfast, to check out this walk-through video about this design: http://vimeo.com/47776769.
Please take a bit of your time to have a look-see… and , if you are a Facebook user, PLEASE show your support by clicking on the “LIKE” button at the top of the page:
ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish:
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, Sundays 10:00 am and 11:30 am
Confessions (Lithuanian and English) EVERY Sunday before Mass.
Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223
Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites)Father Volertas (718-326-2236) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223) Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska will bring theEucharist to you. 646-246-8270.
Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children) Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mild...@yahoo.com for the monthly calendar.
Religious Education for Adults. Contact Raimundas Silzys or Pat Sidas.
Altar Servers Contact Dr. Algis Lukosevicius at algi...@yahoo.com . Schedules for serving are flexible. English-only servers are welcome, as are those who can’t come all the time.
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir he choir rehearses after Mass in the Loft or Lower Hall. The choir is starting to prepare for Christmas Mass. COME SING! New singers are needed in all voice parts.
Lectors at Mass Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas (vida...@gmail.com, or 516-922-1760). Vida will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time.
VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish call 718-384-0223 or e-mail olmc...@yahoo.com, or in person at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office…718-384-0223.
Volunteers are always needed: Someone to read at Mass, to sing in the choir, to wash a pot or set a table once in a while. . Maybe, YOU can volunteer just once in a while so the work does not always fall on the same generous souls? The list of who to contact is below…….CALL! E-MAIL!
COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!
Administrator Msgr. Joseph Calise 718-384-0223
Associate Priest Rev.Vytautas Volertas 718-326-2236
Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys
Lithuanian Affairs Vida Jankauskas L...@EARTHLINK.NET
Committee Raimundas Slizys LIT...@AOL.COM
LectorsVida Penikas laa...@aol.com
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir Asta Barkauskas Just Come to the loft!
Kavine Pat Sidas 203-762-9726, SID...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor Vida Jankauskas ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Parish Website Administrator Arunas Tirksliunas I...@nyapreiskimo.com
Decorating the Church Joe Rudis, Algis Lukosevicius 718-438-4649
Acolyte Program Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Religious Education Dr. Milda Palubinskaite Mild...@yahoo.com
Salvijus Kungys Salv...@yahoo.com
Dana Raciunas Norvila,
Raimundas Slizys LITH...@AOL.COM
Rosemarie Walsh (English) 718-384-0223, ext. 28
Ateitis Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ALGI...@yahoo.com
Youth Chapter Dr. Milda Palubinskas mild...@yahoo.com
Spanish Affairs Committee /Bulletin Leticia Serrano ARI...@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir Antonio Arenas See him after 11:30 am Mass
Guadalupe Committee Clemente Randon C12G...@AOL.COM
Queen of the Rosary Academy 718-782-1110
Teachers of Light Tutoring/SAT Prep program (free) 347-342-8354, www.Teachersoflight.org
Diocesan Migration Office Msgr. Ralph Marino 718-236-3000
Serenity Sunday Monsignor Calise 718-384-0223
LGBT Ministry Father Michael Lynch 718-834-0223
Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School Fausta Sinkunas, Principal dire...@nymaironiomokykla.org
Lithuanian Scouts : Tomas Lora, tlo...@optonline.net Aldute Belzer, aldu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Athletic Club (www.lithnyc.com) Jonas Jankauskas Kopu...@gmail.com
Knghts of Lithuania: K12: Elaine Derso eede...@aol.com. K110: Dr. P. Kazas: pka...@dot.nyc.gov. K152: Julia Schroeder jas...@aol.com
RADIO MARIJA www.marijosradijas.LT
Rachel’s Helpers (Abortion Victims Consolation) 718-939-6646
Churches United (English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services, all free) 718-388-3774
Diocesan Catholic Charities Family/Counseling Centers 718-281-9540, www.ccbq.org
To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact R. Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM
You can ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church. Joe Rudis has the Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50.