Welcome to Apreiskimo Parapijos
English Language Bulletin ZINIOS
October, 2012
The Month of the Rosary
THE YEAR OF THE FAITH was announced by Pope Benedict XVI. It will begin October 11, The 50th Anniversary of the Opening Session of The Ecumenical Council known as VATICAN II, originally preached by Pope John XXIII. During the year of the Faith, Catholics are asked to study the documents of Vatican II and the great Catechism of the Catholic Church so that we may deepen our knowledge of our Holy Faith, the better to spread it in our families, among our friends and acquaintances, and to model the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the greater world around us. For help in doing so, please visit www.usccb.org , the web site of the American Bishops, or consult with Father Volertas for information in Lithuanian.
October 7, Office of Migration
Shining Star Banquet
October 7
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
October 8, COLUMBUS DAY American National Holiday
October 11, THE YEAR OF THE FAITH Begins
October 14
Vaiku Liturgija, First Communion, Annunciation Church
Preparation Class, Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
October 21
Kavine, Film about current conditions In Lithuania, with speaker. Refreshments
Parish Lower Hall
October 28
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
Mass 7:00 PM (Spanish), Annunciation Church
November 2, All Souls Day (Velines)
November 4, VELINES commemorated
Vaiku Liturgija, Annunciation Church
Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
November 6, Election Day in the US VOTE!
October is traditionally the Month of the Holy Rosary! Find those beads, or use the fingers at the end of your hands to count the Hail Marys! It doesn’t take long, and your sacrifice of a few moments to say this prayer will warm the heart of Our Lady of the Annunciation and the Sacred Heart of her Divine Son….
Exciting news from Rome! The Diocese of Brooklyn has been blessed with two new auxiliary bishops: Bishop Paul Sanchez and Bishop Raymond Chapetto. They were ordained at Our Lady of the Angels Church, Brooklyn. Taking part in the ceremonies were Annunciation parishioners Joe and Irene Rudis and Pat Sidas, in their capacity as Knight and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Bishop Chapetto is familiar with our parish; he served as Regional Vicar for Brooklyn in the 1990s. AND…
The Diocese of Kaunas has been blessed with a new auxiliary Bishop, Father Kestutis Kevalas, brother of parishioner Jurate Zukauskas. He has been named titular bishop of Abziri! Bishop-Elect Kevelas visited us as a seminarian many years ago, and recently as Director of Radio Maria in Lithuania. The Good Lord Bless and Keep them, ALL THREE!
Sunday, September 16, THE ANNUAL ANNUNCIATION PARISH PICNIC came off as advertised: Kugelis Queen Josefina and Princesses Regina and Kristina and their noble assistants, including Onute Povilaitis and Ramute Hopanas produced the world’s best kugelis, KOLORADO ROMAS kept the singing, dancing and general fun going, Ramute Zukas and Rasa Sprindys carried out the famous mini-lottery, the Rudis family carried out the cash lottery, Aldis and Vida Penikas kept ticket sales going! Student parishioners Antanas Bublis, Milda Stanislauskas and Matas Slizys helped in a dozen ways, Raimundas and Tracey Slizys manned the bar, the Sileikis Sisters worked the serving table, Saulius and Grazina Janusas helped with all sorts of things, as did Pat Sidas, Virginia Scheibis, Renata Alinskas, Denise and Jonas Jankauskas, Rytas Stankunas, Vydas Marijosius, Vitalija Slizys, and Vytas Gostautas. Aldona and Kestas Augylius decorated the hall, The Lukosevicius Family ran the Hot Dog Stand, the Chakar-Palubinskas family came especially to help clean up! EVERYBODY had a good time at our parish picnic! Thanks to all who donated, bought lottery tickets, and who CAME to have fun together!
VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish call 718-384-0223 or e-mail olmc...@yahoo.com, or in person at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. You receive a packet monthly, by mail, with an envelope for each Sunday and for any scheduled special collections. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office…718-384-0223.
ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish:
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Eucharist is celebrated in LITHUANIAN every Sunday.
Confessions in Lithuanian and English, are heard EVERY Sunday before Mass.
Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223
Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites)Father Volertas (718-326-2236) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223) Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska will bring theEucharist to you. 646-246-8270.
Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children) First Penance/First Communion, Confirmation. Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, takes place ONE SUNDAY a month. Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mild...@yahoo.com for the monthly calendar. A FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASS is being formed NOW by Dr. Palubinskas. Contact her for details! If your children are EINGLISH ONLY and wish to receive First Holy Communion at Annunciation, contact Pat Sidas or Raimundas Slizys.
Religious Education for Adults who wish to become Catholics, or Baptized Catholics who have not received all the sacraments, is available. Contact Raimundas Silzys or Pat Sidas.
Altar Servers Children (or adults) who want to serve should contact Dr. Algis Lukosevicius at algi...@yahoo.com . Schedules for serving are flexible. English-only servers are welcome!
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir To join, please come to the Loft any Sunday to meet Organist and Choir Director Asta Barkauskas . The choir rehearses after Mass in the Loft or Lower Hall. Two choir members, Tracey Slizys and Pat Sidas, along with Ausros Vartu Choir member Chris Nakreseive, recently attended a Gregorian Chant workshop at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Manhattan.
Lectors at Mass Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas (vida...@gmail.com, or 516-922-1760). Vida will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time.
ATTENTION! VOLUNTEER USHERS are needed at Sunday Mass. Receiving the temporal offerings of our parishioners and guests and delivering them to the Altar at Sunday Mass is a noble thing to volunteer to do. Please consider volunteering to help the current Usher staff. (Lit...@aol.com)
To ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church: Joe Rudis has the Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50.
The 2012 Bishop’s Appeal is drawing to a close. Annunciation’s “quota” is $3,611. Last year only TWENTY SEVEN of us made donations. WE ALL have a responsibility to make a donation, no matter how small. “Where Charity and Love prevail, There God is ever found. Brought here together by God’s love, by love are we thus bound…” Envelopes are available on the publications table in the Parish Lower Hall or in the church vestibule. Any monies donated ABOVE our quota come back to the Parish for parish use.
Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, Joe Levonas, and Anele Steponis are suffering the assaults of age. Gloria O’Brien, Antanas Vytuvis, Roma Zakas, Regina Gelzinis, and Jerry Cernauskas also need prayers. Virginia Scheibis has had health issues, too, as does Dan Schmedlein. Edward Diskevich is better!\
SHE’S A GIRL! Dr. Rasa and Darius Laucius joyfully announce the arrival of Joana Regina.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to longtime parishioner, musician and band director Joe Thomas! He was 91 years young in September!
Congratulations at the very highest level go to Kazyte Liobe, RN, who has completed her Masters Degree in Nursing and has become a BOARD CERTIFIED NURSE PRACTITIONER in New Jersey. ANNUNCIATION IS PROUD! Her patients are LUCKY! What a remarkable lady!
Longtime parishioner Bill Kucinskas, now in residence in Nevada, asks prayers for his special mission this October 13. He is taking part in a walk for the OUT OF DARKNESS COMMUNITY WALK FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION in memory of his cousin Jimmy Barnes. “All I ask, Bill writes, “is that on October 13, 2012, you say a prayer for Jimmy and his still grieving family. We do plan a trip back to Brooklyn in 2013 Thank you for your love, prayers, and friendship.” (Information: williemapleleaf@ sbcglobal.net)
KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@SOL.COM so she can help you coordinate your donation. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. Aciu to Renata Alinskas for a donation of aluminum pans and cookies. BIG thanks to a thoughtful volunteer who came to the Parish Lower Hall Kitchen prepared to scrub the stove, AND DID!
May they rest in peace in the arms of the angels! Viktoras Kirkyla has died and was buried from Annunciation Church. He is survived by his beloved Irena, and children Kristina, Andrius, and Laura with their families. Roma Zakas has died. She is survived by her mother. Long time LCRA volunteer Joana Pumputis has died.
The St. John’s SPEECH AND HEARING CENTER is providing FREE Screenings at their center from September 8- December 6. FOR INFORMATION contact them at 718-990-6450. There is also FREE help for folk with HERAING AIDS!
NORTHSIDE SENIOR CENTER, 179 North 6th (Bet. Bedford and Driggs Aves.) is open to ALL SENIORS! They have “Morning Coffee Break”, lunch, recreational, educational, and social activities, a COMPUTER LAB, and Social Services information available free, or for VERY LITTLE charge. Check this Catholic Charities Center OUT! Remember the Bishop’s Appeal? Well, here’s where some of the money goes! (718-387-2316.) THEY EVEN HAVE TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE!
News from Mt. Carmel: (www.olmcchurchbk.com) Mt. Carmel Serenity Sunday Mass at 5:00 pm.. Next Serenity Sunday will be November 4. Glad Tidings (LGBT Community): Second and fourth Monday, 7:00 PM. Registration for the Fall Catholic HS admission test (TACHS) is available at 1-866-61TACHS. The test is given in all Catholic High Schools on November 10. 125th Anniversary Dinner Dance will take place November 9, 6:00 pm. Information: OLMC...@yahoo.com .
Our Lady of Vilnius News: For information, contact Elaine Derso, 212-874-2506, eede...@aol.com.or M.indaugas Blaudziunas at mind...@msn.com.
Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid News: WEBSITE www.lkrsalpa.org E-mail l...@earthlink.net tel: 718-326-5202. LCRA has produced a history of its work, “A Mosaic of Works” The book can be purchased at LCRA -64-25 Perry Ave., Maspeth New York.
LITHUANIAN APOSTOLATE NEWS: The Office of Migration of the Diocese of Brooklyn annually presents a member of each of the ethnic Apostolates in the diocese with an award that recognizes their accomplishments in American society, their faithfulness to the Catholic Faith, and their work among fellow Catholics. This year’s Lithuanian Apostolate “Shining Star “Award winner is Annunciation parishioner Dr. Giedre Kumpikas.
Another Kumpikas is in the news recently….The airport at Mažeikiai, Lithuania, was recently inaugurated as “J. Kumpikevicius Aerodrome” on Saturday, August 18th Dr. Kumpikas, Julius’ (and Izabele’s) daughter was in attendance. There were about 15,000 people there to celebrate the inauguration of the airport. “Having the flag with my father’s name and crest raised was very moving. The Šauliai were there and lots of other uniformed men. There was a separate hangar for the VIP’s and a reception with a magnificent buffet,” Dr. Kumpikas wrote. She commissioned an award winning film about her father’s aeronautic exploits that was also shown at the inauguration. The Kumpikas family are long time Annunciation parishioners!
MAIRONIS SCHOOL NEWS: School is open! School Director Fausta Sinkunas invites all children, ages 2-15, and adults wanting to learn to speak Europe’s oldest living language to come to school! Maironis School holds classes Saturdays at 206 Skillman Street in Brooklyn Contact Director Fausta at dire...@maironiomokykla.org for more information, or to MAKE A DONATION!
TRYPTINIS, NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble News: Newcomers and former Tryptinis members of ALL AGES are welcome to join the group, as supporters or dancers. Contact Jonas Jankauskas to join the fun and great exercise!! Kopu...@gmail.com . Rehearsals will be at Annunciation!
Lithuanian Athletic Club News: For information about Lithuanians participating in the NY MARATHON, contact the Consulate at KONS...@URM.LT! The LAK leadership sent a gracious note of thanks to our Parish, thanking us for allowing the club to use the parish facilities for the planning, preparation and presentation of LITHFEST 2012. The Club especially thanks all who came to work and to have fun, and who helped make the event the grand and profitable success for LAK and Camp Neringa that it was! They want to see everyone back for LITHFEST 2013! Our parish is also very grateful to LAK members for all their help in setting up for our parish picnic the next day!
THE BI-ANNUAL DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN PILGRIMAGE to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will take place this year on October 27. For information about bus transportation and the program for the day contact Father Volertas at VOLE...@AOL.COM or at 718-326-2236.
BRIDGES is the English Language Journal of the Lithuanian American Community, Do YOU subscribe to BRIDGES? NO? Well! Contact Rimas Gedeika at www.lithuanian-american.org to remedy the situation!
MAIRONIS 150 Celebrations will take place on October 13 in Hartford (dian...@yahoo.com), in Riverhead October 28 (rasa...@hotmail.com), and in New York October 26,7:30 PM at the Salamagundi Club, 45 5th Avenue, NYC. (laur...@aol.com)
AN INVITATION…..From the Lithuanian Womens Club of Connecticut to attend their benefit concert featuring Golda Vainberg-Tatz and Agne Radzeviciute on Sunday, October 14th, 4 PM, Round Hill Community Church, 395 Round Hill Road, Greenwich. All proceeds will go to supporting orphaned children in Lithuania. For information and tickets, contact ramu...@hotmail.com.
The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Putnam, CT invite you to come to their Annual Commemoration of the Deceased (Velines) on October 28. Brother Julius Sasnauskas will be the featured speaker. Mass will be said at 11:15 am. There will be a luncheon served, and ceremonies at Gate of Heaven Cemetery on the Convent grounds. For more information contact Ses. Igne at sesi...@gmail.com
YO, New Jersey Lithuanians! Lithuanian Festival 2012 will take place following 11:00 AM Mass at SS. Peter and Paul Church, 216 Ripley Pl. Elizabeth. (732-317-9195) Aciu, Father Staniskis!
YO, Pennsylvania Lithuanians! Ausra Kregzdys Cunningham invites all to the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Lithuanian Citizens Society of Western PA….November 10. Information is at www.pittsburghlithuanians.com! Aciu, Ausra!
Welcome to our New readers: Laura Boehmer, Ijole Brazauskas, Marian Fathers, Lithuania
Volunteers are always needed: Someone to read at Mass, to sing in the choir, to wash a pot or set a table once in a while. . Maybe, YOU can volunteer just once in a while so the work does not always fall on the same generous souls? The list of who to contact is below…….CALL! E-MAIL!
COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!
Administrator Msgr. Joseph Calise 718-384-0223
Associate Priest Rev.Vytautas Volertas 718-326-2236
Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys
Lithuanian Affairs Vida Jankauskas L...@EARTHLINK.NET
Committee Raimundas Slizys LIT...@AOL.COM
LectorsVida Penikas laa...@aol.com
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir Asta Barkauskas Just Come to the loft!
Kavine Pat Sidas 203-762-9726, SID...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor Grazina Janusas GRAZ...@YAHOO.COM
Parish Website Administrator Arunas Tirksliunas I...@nyapreiskimo.com
Decorating the Church Joe Rudis, Algis Lukosevicius 718-438-4649
Acolyte Program Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Religious Education Dr. Milda Palubinskaite Mild...@yahoo.com
Salvijus Kungys Salv...@yahoo.com
Dana Raciunas Norvila,
Raimundas Slizys LITH...@AOL.COM
Rosemarie Walsh (English) 718-384-0223, ext. 28
Ateitis Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ALGI...@yahoo.com
Youth Chapter Dr. Milda Palubinskas mild...@yahoo.com
Spanish Affairs Committee /Bulletin Leticia Serrano ARI...@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir Antonio Arenas See him after 11:30 am Mass
Guadalupe Committee Clemente Randon C12G...@AOL.COM
Queen of the Rosary Academy 718-782-1110
Teachers of Light Tutoring/SAT Prep program (free) 347-342-8354, www.Teachersoflight.org
Diocesan Migration Office Msgr. Ralph Marino 718-236-3000
Serenity Sunday Monsignor Calise 718-384-0223
LGBT Ministry Father Michael Lynch 718-834-0223
Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School Fausta Sinkunas, Principal dire...@nymaironiomokykla.org
Lithuanian Scouts : Tomas Lora, tlo...@optonline.net Aldute Belzer, aldu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Athletic Club (www.lithnyc.com) Jonas Jankauskas Kopu...@gmail.com
Knghts of Lithuania: K12: Elaine Derso eede...@aol.com. K110: Dr. P. Kazas: pka...@dot.nyc.gov. K152: Julia Schroeder jas...@aol.com
RADIO MARIJA www.marijosradijas.LT
Rachel’s Helpers (Abortion Victims Consolation) 718-939-6646
Churches United (English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services, all free) 718-388-3774
Diocesan Catholic Charities Family/Counseling Centers 718-281-9540, www.ccbq.org
To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact R. Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM
You can ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church. Joe Rudis has the Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50.