Welcome to Apreiskimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin
AUGUST, 2013
August 4 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
August 11 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
August 15 FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION, HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION, Mass in Spanish 7 PM, Annunciation Church
August 18 Celebration of ZOLINES, Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
August 25 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
September 1 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
September 8 SILINES Feast of the Birth of Our Lady of the Annunciation, Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
Pope Francis has issued his first encyclical, LUMEN FIDEI, The Light of Faith. Written with his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who had started the encyclical, this papal letter teaches us, God’s Faithful People, how faith has grown, from the seeds of the faithfulness of Abraham, our Father in Faith, through the enduring faith of the people of Israel, who held to His commandments while waiting so long for the promised Savior, to the people who received the Gospels and became the very first Christians and who spread the Holy faith throughout all God’s great creation. You can check the encyclical out on the Vatican, Diocesan, or Msgr. Putrimas’ web sites (See parish web site for addresses… www.nyapreiskimo.com ).
Sunday, August 18, Annunciation Parish will celebrate the traditions of “Zolines” (The Feast of the Assumption). There will be some special treats at Kavine. At Mass, Father Volertas will bless the flowers and, for the farmers among us, baskets of vegetables or fruits. Vases will be placed by ALL the shrines to Our Lady—Ausros Vartu, Guadeloupe, Siluva, and the Sorrowful Mother, so that you can bring your gift of flowers to honor her. Some, no doubt, will want to bring the blessed flowers home, or to the graves of beloved family members. As has been the custom in past years, one of our parishioners who has a flower garden will bring small bouquets for folk who do not themselves have gardens, or who may forget, or not know, to bring them! These will be on the publications table in the church vestibule for your convenience.
IMPORTANT NEWS: If you live in NYC and were afflicted by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy: There is a City program that helps RENTERS, LANDLORDS, and HOMEOWNERS in New York City. GO TO www.nyc.gov/builditback for information.
More good news about Sister Nicodema Park! The City has installed a small bench there! The bench is carefully constructed so as not to invite loitering or sleeping, and will make for a pleasant place for neighborhood people to “sit a spell”, and for folks waiting for a bus!
Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, and Joe Levonas, and are suffering the assaults of age. Antanas Vytuvis and Regina Gelzinis also need prayers, as does Helen Bagdonas.
CORRECTION: In the article about the 20th Ordination Anniversary for Fr. Volertas it was incorrectly reported who donated the champagne and special cakes. Thanks, and apologies to LITHUANIAN CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS AID, which made the donation!
May they rest in Peace… From Pennsylvania comes the news of the death of 99 year old Jean Majikas. She was the mother of John, Vincent and Anthony. Ellis Spano, age 35, died. Ellis had played bass and sang backing vocals for fifteen years in the Lithuanian Rock band, STEEL WOLF. STEELWOLF is helping raise money to provide funds to his two small children, Kirra, age 8, and Eva, age 4. Visit www.gofundme.com/ellis to donate.
A big Annunciation ACIU goes to Saulius Janusas, who graciously assisted at the Mighty Austin Organ Sundays while Organist and Choir Director Asta Barkauskas was on “home leave” vacation! Saulius helps care for our precious instrument, and is working with Msgr. Calise and organ repair people on the ongoing project to repair and restore “Opus 288”, the “official” designation of our organ. And while you are thanking folk, THANK THE CHOIR MEMBERS who endure 80F plus heat in the loft so that the Kyrie and Gloria and beautiful hymns echo through our magnificent church acoustics to the Greater Glory of God! Very few parish choirs continue to sing throughout the summer!
Sometimes, in summertime, especially, Annunciation runs short of ALTAR BOYS…….Did YOU used to serve at Annunciation’s (or some other parish’s) Altar as a boy or youth? There is NO REASON that you can’t pitch in again and serve, even if your serving days were in the “Old Mass” days, or you never had the privilege! No one will make you “suit up”, but Algis Lukosevicius is more than happy to help you with a cassock and surplice if you are willing! Wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing for our parish to have a SENIOR ALTAR SERVERS CORPS ready and willing to assist Father Volertas at the altar when the young guys can’t? Contact Algis at algirdas 2...@yahoo.com!
Another BIG ANNUNCIATION ACIU goes to parishioners Vida Jankauskas and Rasa Sprindys, who represented the Lithuanians of Annunciation at the July 16 Titular Feast of our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish. Bishop DiMarzio celebrated the Mass as part of the annual Mt. Carmel “Feast”. Monsignor Calise graciously invited Vida and Rasa to take part in the traditional procession through the local streets with His Excellency! It was VERY, VERY hot that day! Their willingness to be there on such a HOT day, in the middle of the week, is a great blesssing. Dar karta. ACIU Vida and Rasa!
HEADS UP! Annual Annunciation Picnic will be September 22! On September 21, join the NY Lithuanian Athletic Club in their third annual FAMILY DAY in our parish “back yard”…..the School Parking LOT! TWO DAYS OF LITHUANIAN FUN! WHAT COULD BE BETTER?
Annunciation’s Religious Education program is alive and well, and waiting for families to register their children for future Confirmation classes and First Holy Communion. To enroll your child or grandchild (English-only children are also welcome!) in future classes contact mild...@yahoo.com
Happenings in our School Building: A NEW FLOOR has been installed in our Parish Lower Hall! Be sure if you spill, now, to WIPE IT UP! So our floor will stay nice and clean! New doors at the front entrance make the building far more inviting! The stained glass window that was above the old doors has been removed and is in the process of being repaired. It will be placed elsewhere so we can all SEE it! The doors to the bathrooms have been “rehabbed”, too.
KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@SOL.COM so she can help you coordinate your donation. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. HELP IS DESPERATELY NEEDED A 9:30 AM! Thanks to the BUTKUS family, who not only provided one heck of a party to celebrate Kazys Butkus big NINE-FIVE, but also donated all leftover tableware to Kavine!
HEADS UP: Parishioner and talented “Renaissance Man” Algis Norvila will mount an exhibit of his photography at ART MUSIC HARWARE at 558 Metropolitan Avenue until August 25. For more information, please contact Algis at anor...@verizon.net Annunciation is proud!
NEWS FROM CAMP NERINGA: www.neringa.org Contact Danguole Kuoliene for information on MENO8, the annual August Adult Arts Camp! (dang...@kuolas.com ) Camp is from August 18-15. Remember, donations are still needed to cover the extensive storm damage at this magical place!
News from Mt. Carmel: (www.olmcchurchbk.com) Next Serenity Sunday will be September 1. Mass is at a new time: 4:30 PM! Pot Luck Supper and 12 Step Meeting follows for ALL Fellowships. Glad Tidings (LGBT Community): Meets second and fourth Monday, 7:00 PM. Rectory:718-384-0223. Monica Ministry (Domestic Violence) Hotline: 1-800-799-7233.OLMC THEATRE COMPANY’s production of JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR, will take place August 16, 17 at 8 PM, and August 18 at 3PM. Tickets are on sale online ($18, see web site) or at the door ($20). For more information contact Father Lynch at 718-384-0223.
DID YOU SEE — the moving article on TRUE HAPPINESS in the August 3 issue of THE TABLET? It was written by our own Administrator, Monsignor Calise! Go to www.thetablet.org in case you missed it! THE TABLET is available every Sunday in the Annunciation Church vestibule on the publications table at the door!
Darius Peleda, son of our late parishioner Regina Bork, and his yacht crew of the Ragana, took FIFTH PLACE in a recent regatta of the Sea Cliff, LI Yacht Club. There were even vessels from the US NAVAL ACADEMY in the competition! CONGRATULATIONS!
Our Lady of Vilnius News: Elaine Derso, 212-874-2506, eede...@aol.com.or Mindaugas Blaudziunas at mind...@msn.com. Sunday gatherings near St. Patrick and at Our Lady of Vilnius continue, in front of St. Patrick’s at 11:00 am and at 1:00 pm at Our Lady of Vilnius.
News from the Diocese of Brooklyn: Renewing our Faith through acts of Charity : Atnaujanti musu tikejimas per labdaros darbu atlikima! is the motto of this year’s appeal! Our goal this year is to raise at least $3879. Every penny raised above that sum COMES BACK TO ANNUNCIATION! Even MORE comes back in the form of diocesan support for Father Volertas’ work as coordinator of the Lithuanian Apostolate. We ALL need to make donation to this fund. EVERY donation, any size, is a valuable one to both Bishop DiMarzio and Annunciation. FEWER THAN 50 of us gave last year. That won’t DO!
We ALL need to do our part to support the diocese AND our parish. Bishop Di MArzio will take care of the work of the Diocese. WE need to see to the work at our parish! Work is slowly being done to improve our church. Just look around you when you are at Mass and you will see some newly polished brass. You will see the plaster repair on the altar. The altar boys all have new cassocks! Listen, and you will begin to hear improved sound from the Mighty Austin. Look outside and see the work being done to landscape the Havemeyer side “yard”, and the improvements to the way crosses. Please look for the envelopes in the church and hall, and do your part to support Annunciation AND Bishop DiMarzio and his work for the people of our Diocese of Brooklyn! If you prefer to MAIL your donation, make it payable to ANNUAL APPEAL and send it to 310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
News from the NY Lithuanian American Community: The Darius and Girenas commemorations were very successful! First, the ceremonies at Lituanica Square, followed by Mass at Annunciation. At the official ceremonies at Floyd Bennett Field, Park Rangers stationed at this historic air field graciously greeted Consul General Sarapinas and the assembled guests, and spoke movingly about the incredible bravery of two men who were so determined to put Lithuania on the International Aeronautical “map” that they would risk their lives to bear the US Mail, and the hopes of people in two nations across a still “uncharted” Atlantic Ocean. The attendees then adjourned to the median of Aviation Road, the main thoroughfare of the park, where an elm tree and a beautifully designed and executed Lithuanian style sign commemorating the men were “planted” One of the “planters” was Annunciation’s own Kazys Butkus, in whose living memory the great flight took place. (See our parish web site for a photomontage!)
Some of you may remember that, several years ago, at the annual commemoration, parishioners the late Vito Senken and Malvina Klivecka spoke of their memories of the flight: Vito had been taken by his father to see the plane. (They could not take off that day.) Malvina spoke of the huge crowds in Kaunas awaiting the sound of the aircraft engines that never came… and the profound sorrow throughout Lithuania over the death of the heroes. Oh, yes… the mail did eventually get through!
News from New Jersey: The Annual Lithuanian Fest, produced by Fr. Daniel Staniskis, is Sunday, August 11, rain or shine, in air-conditioned comfort at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center, 60 North Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 It runs from 1 – 4 pm and will have Lithuanian food, including kielbasi, pierogies, stuffed cabbage, potato pancakes, and more, as well as live music.
FRIENDS OF LITHIUANIA is seeking funds to purchase insulin pumps for impoverished children in Lithuania suffering from diabetes, where such devices are not common. Contact Liuda Balcius, formerly of Maspeth, Queens, at balc...@gmail.com. to help!
News from Laurynas (Larry) Kiceina, the kid from Williamsburg, Brooklyn! Laurynas is a retired police officer, who is a leader in “Cops for Christ International” who humbly reports, “Whenever I speak I talk about how great Annunciation Parish was in my youth and how the Nuns and Priests at Annunciation instilled upon me a Catholic / Christian education for 9 years!” Larry and Annie occasionally make it back to New York to visit his mom on Long Island, and if possible, attend AND HELP OUT WITH Annunciation Parish Picnic!
Pianist Edvinas Minkstimas has just received a great honor from the Steinway Piano Company: He joins famed pianists Artur Rubenstein, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Mitsuko Uchida and Lang Lang as a STEINWAY ARTIST. What an honor! CONGRATUlATIONS!
Welcome to our new readers: Rasa Mitrulevicius, president of the Eastern Long Isalnd LB Chapter, Father David Misbrenner, all the way from OHIO!
HEADS UP! September 8 the parish will celebrate SILNES, the Feast of Mary’s Nativity. That same day, the newly formed Lithuanian American Professionals Association will meet at Kavine. LAPA is an organization whose mission is to bring together Lithuanian American Professionals so that they can help each other in their various careers. For more information or to join, contact Laima Lileika at LTL...@HOTMAIL.COM by July 6th.
Help for those experiencing hearing problems! SPEECH/HEARING SCREENINGS are available, FREE, at St. John’s University. Call 718-990-6480 to get more information or to schedule an appointment! Got hearing troubles? CALL NOW!
ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish:
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, Sundays 10:00 am and 11:30 am
Confessions (Lithuanian and English): EVERY Sunday before Mass.
Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223
Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites): Father Volertas (718-326-2236, 347-62-2240) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223). Eucharistic Minister V. Cereska will bring the Eucharist to you. 347-656-9815.
Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children), Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mild...@yahoo.com for the monthly calendar.
Religious Education (Adults): Raimundas Silzys or Pat Sidas.
Altar Servers: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – algi...@yahoo.com. Schedules for serving are flexible. English-only servers are welcome, as are those who can’t come all the time.
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir: CONTINUES TO SING ALL SUMMER, BLESS THEM!
Lectors at Mass: Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas ( vida...@gmail.com , or 516-922-1760). Vida will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time.
ATTENTION! VOLUNTEER USHERS are URGENTLY needed at Sunday Mass. Contact Raimundas Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM to volunteer.
IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE! There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life saving!
Volunteers are always needed in our parish.The list of who to contact is below…….CALL! E-MAIL! COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!
Administrator: Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223
Associate Priest: Rev.Vytautas Volertas – 347-628-2240
Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members: Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys
Lithuanian Affairs: Vida Jankauskienė – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Committee: Raimundas Slizys – LIT...@AOL.COM
Lectors / Ushers: Vida Penikas – vida...@gmail.com
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir: Asta Barkauskas. Just Come to the loft!
Curator of the Organ: Saulius Janusas
Kavine: Pat Sidas- 203-762-9726, email- SID...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian / English Bulletin Editor: Vida Jankauskienė – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Parish Website Administrator: Arunas Tirksliunas – I...@nyapreiskimo.com
Decorating the Church: Joe Rudis, Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM, 718-438-4649
Acolyte Program: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Religious Education: Dr. Milda Palubinskaite – Mild...@yahoo.com, Raimundas Slizys – LITH...@AOL.COM, Rosemarie Walsh (English) – 718-384-0223, ext. 28
Queen of the Rosary Academy: Maureen Rooney, 718-782-1110
Teachers of Light Tutoring / SAT Prep program (FREE): 347-342-8354, www.Teachersoflight.org
Ateitis Adult Chapter: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Ateitis Youth Chapter: Dr. Milda Palubinskas – mild...@yahoo.com
Spanish Affairs Committee / Bulletin: Leticia Serrano – ARI...@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir: Antonio Arenas. See him after 11:30 am Mass
Guadalupe Committee: Clemente Randon – C12G...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian Apostolate provides counsel, access to resources, translation services, social and religious assistance to Lithuanian speaking people in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Greater New York. Contact Rev. Vytautas Volertas – VOLE...@AOL.COM, 347-628-2240) or Diocesan Migration Office 718-236-3000
Lithuanian Languagae Internet Apostolate:
IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE!/ There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life saving!
To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact Raimundas Slizys – LITH...@AOL.COM
VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish at 718-384-0223 by e-mail at olmc...@yahoo.com , or at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office… 718-384-0223.
To ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church: Joe Rudis has the Sunday Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50. MASS IS SAID EVERY WEDNESDAY (in Spanish) at 7:00 PM. AT ANNUNCIATION. Intentions are available for this Mass. Contact Msgr. Calise at OLMC...@YAHOO.COM for information.
Lithuanian Organizations
Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid: 718-326-5202 www.lkrsalpa.org, email: l...@earthlink.net
Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School: Rasa Sprindys, Principal – dire...@nymaironiomokykla.org
Lithuanian Scouts: Tomas Lora – tlo...@optonline.net , Aldute Belzer – aldu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Athletic Club: (www.lithnyc.com), contact Jonas Jankauskas – Kopu...@gmail.com
Tryptinis NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble: Jonas Jankauskas – Kopu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Folk Art Institute NY Chapter: Laurynas Vismanas – Laur...@aol.com
Lithuanian American Community: Algirdas Grybas – algi...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Citizens Club: Dr. Giedre Kumpikas – ambe...@mac.com
Knights of Lithuania: K12 NYC: Elaine Derso – eede...@aol.com ; K110 BQ: Dr. P. Kazas – pka...@dot.nyc.gov ; K152 LI: Julia Schroeder – jasc...@aol.com; www.knightsoflithuania.com
Marija Radijas: www.marijosradijas.LT
NEW YORK Lithuanian Radio: New York, Tuesdays, 9:00 PM WPAT 930 AM, or at www.wpat930am.com
THE DAILY GOSPEL: www.dailygospel.org
Workers’ Rights Hotline: For complaints or concerns about pay or working conditions, 877-525-2267
Grace Institute: Free Job Training for Women: 1223 2nd Avenue, NYC, 212-832-7605
Churches United: English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services. All free, 718-388-3774
Diocesan Catholic Charities Family /Counseling Centers: 718-281-9540, www.ccbq.org
Rachel’s Helpers: Abortion Victims Consolation, 718-939-6646
Serenity Sunday: Monsignor Calise, 718-384-0223
LGBT Ministry: Father Michael Lynch, 718-834-0223
Monica Ministry: Domestic Abuse, 718-384-0223
Northside Senior Center: 179 North 6th (Bet. Bedford and Driggs Aves.) “Morning Coffee Break”, lunch, recreational, educational, and social activities, a COMPUTER LAB, and Social Services information available FREE, or for VERY LITTLE charge. 718-387-2316