Welcome to Apreiskimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin
November, 2013
November 1 FEAST OF ALL SAINTS, HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION, Mass in Spanish 7:00 PM Annunciation Church
November 2 Prayer Service for All Souls day 2PM, Annunciation Church, Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
November 3 All Souls Commemoration at Mass 10AM, Annunciation Church, Kavine, Sandwich Lunch at Parish Lower Hall
November 9 Liudni Slibinai Concert (NYLB) Parish Lower Hall
November 10 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
November 11 Veterans Day (Armistice Day) American National Holiday, FLY OLD GLORY!
November 17 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
November 28 THANKSGIVING DAY, American National Holiday, FLY OLD GLORY!
December 8 FEAST OF THE IMMACUALATE CONCEPTION, Kavine at Parish Lower Hall
Annual STRAW ORNAMENT WORKSHOP at Parish Lower Hall 11:30 am, 12:30 AM
First Annual CHRISTMAS MUGE 12:00 PM at Parish Lower Hall
Under the auspices of Ateitis and Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Affairs Committee, a beautiful candle-lit meditative prayer service, in the tradition of the French monastic community of Taize. was held in our church on ALL SOULS DAY. Annunciation was radiant with candles and natural light. A large crucifix was placed before the altar, surrounded by votive lights and the great High Mass candlesticks with blazing candles. Beautiful, simple monastic music played through the public address system. The weather allowed for the church doors to be open to the sunlight. Some 40 people, including the Ateitis Youth Group members, gathered together to spend time in silent contemplation, in prayer for our beloved dead, to listen to a reading of scripture, take part in praying petitions for our Lithuanian parishes, and to sing the beautifully simple songs from the Taize tradition. Accompanying the singing were Adris Jautakas on the “keyboard”, and Elizabeth Zukauskas on the flute. At the conclusion of the service (People said it was TOO SHORT! IMAGINE THAT!)everyone prayed the Lord’s Prayer together. All were then invited to bring a burning taper to honor the deceased for whom they mourned to the trays filled with sand placed before the altar. An English language brochure was available, so folks who do not speak or read Lithuanian could participate. Following the service, light refreshments were served in the Parish Lower Hall, which was prepared for commemorating VELINES, with purple tablecloths and purple sword plant centerpieces on the tables and posters of mourning, prepared by the children, with the help of Milda Palubinskas, on the wall. Thanks go to Mindaugas Zukauskas, Algirdas Lukosevicius and Pat Sidas for the decorations and refreshments.
BIG thank yous go to Ateitis leaders Algirdas Lukosevicius, Milda Palubinskas, Monika Sabalis, and Jurate Zukauskas for bringing this spiritual event to Annunciation. All who attended felt the consolation of the Lord, the love of their fellow parishioners, and the peace that being silent with Our Blessed Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in our beautiful church brings. If you missed this opportunity for spiritual consolation, it is hoped that a similar event may take place in the spring, perhaps in Lent…Come to Me, all ye who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!
Sunday, November 3, the parish honored those who died since last All Souls Day who were buried from our church, or who died far away from their Annunciation family, and those who have had no other funeral. Family members, friends, and kind parishioners honored the memory of Paulius Bivainis, Jerry Cernauskas, ’54, Ramute Cesnavicius, Edward Diskevich, Karolis Dvorak, Algis Jankauskas, Apolonija and Stanislovas Kasperavicius, Vitas Katinas, Viktoras Kirkyla, Giedre Kulpa, Sofia Kulys, Fred Lucka, Jadvyga Lukosevicius, Gloria Kiveta O’Brien, Jonas Malinauskas, Henrikas Miklas, Albina Rimkus, Stefanija Sablavicius, Adele Sarkauskas, Viktorija Sevelkovas, Stase Skerys, Anele Steponas, Izabele Svitra, and Nastute Umbrazas. Candles were carried for Sister Edna Cooke, OP and Tev. Pranciskus Giedgaudas. Annunciation also paid tribute to the memory of Vytautas Volertas, Fr. Volertas’ father, and Lorraine Reynolds, Msgr. Calise’s aunt.
Following Mass, there was a Memorial Luncheon in the Parish Lower Hall for the families and parishioners. Thanks go to Kavine Committtee, which arranged the luncheon; to Milda Plaubinskas, Maria Lukosevicius, Vida Penikas, and Pat Sidas who made the sandwiches, to Juze Norvila, Roma Vedeckas, Grazina Janusas, Ramute Vounasis, Onute Povilaitis, Aldona Senken, Irena Kirkyla, Giedre Kumpikas, Vytautas Cereska, Ramute Zukas, Giedre Stankunas, Josefina Senken, and Pat Sidas who donated salads, cold cuts, sandwiches, and baked goods, and the ever faithful clean up committee of the Slizys family and the Janusas family.
To commemorate the Month of the Rosary, Lithuanian Affairs Committee member Vida Jankauskas organized a cycle of praying the four Mysteries according to alphabetical order of parishioners’ last names. Parishioners were asked to say the Rosary during the month on a particular day, so that, hopefully, at least one Annunciation family was saying the rosary for our Blessed Mother every day. On Sunday, November 3, those who had participated were given the opportunity, through the good offices of Vytautas Cereska, to purchase a beautiful red rose that was placed in a vase by the Our Lady of Siluva shrine. Beautiful. ACIU, VIDA!
Parish Council News: The Pastoral Council met Monday, November 4. Raimundas Slizys and Algis Lukosevicius attended. Bless him, Algis will take part in the Diocesan program to become an Eucharistic Minister! If YOU would like to join him in the December class (or attend the March session) please contact him at ALGI...@YAHOO.COM. The Council and the Italian Apostolate at Mt. Carmel sponsored a lovely Mass and reception for the 50th Anniversary of profession of Lay Oblates Member Giuditta Coccia, who serves the Italian Community in the parish. Vida Penikas and Raimundas Slizys represented Annunciation, and brought Ms Coccia a very beautiful bouquet of flowers.
APOLOGIES TO Annunciation Picnic attendees former UN Ambassador Dalius Cekuolis, who was inadvertently called Ambassador Serksnys, and to currrent Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaite, whose last name got left off! Atsiprasau!
Congratulations to parishioner Ramute Zukas, who received the SHINING STAR Award for the Lithuanian Apostolate last month at the Migration Office’s Annual Shining Star Dinner!
MAIRONIS SCHOOL NEWS: For information contact Rasa Sprindys at vilk...@gmail.com.
Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, and Joe Levonas, are suffering the assaults of age. Regina Gelzinis also needs prayers, as does Helen Bagdonas. NYLB co-president Laurynas Vismanas is recovering at home from serious surgery.
Annunciation’s Religious Education program is alive and well, and waiting for families to register their children for future Confirmation classes and First Holy Communion. To enroll your child or grandchild (English-only children are also welcome!) in our parish program, contact mild...@yahoo.com . THE FIRST MEETING OF THE 2014 CONFIRMATION CLASS has been held. It is NOT TOO LATE for your teenager (13-18) to join this class. Accommodation is gladly made for English-Only teens. The class meets in conjunction with Maironis Saturday School and after 10:00 AM Mass Sundays at Annunciation. Contact Dr.Palubinskas for details! (201-444-1270)
KAVINE NEWS: Sunday, October 27, parishioners were surprised with a SANDWICH LUNCH! If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@SOL.COM so she can help you coordinate your donation. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. HELP IS DESPERATELY NEEDED AT 9:30 AM!
The Parish THANKSGIVING FEAST will be on SUNDAY, December 1, following 10:00 AM Mass. The turkey is fabulous, the pumpkin pies homemade (the pumpkins come from Pat’s garden!) and the fellowship in celebration of all we have, the best. Donations for the usual raffle are gratefully accepted! Saturday helpers, including potato peelers, are needed at 10:00 am. If you can help for a few hours to set up the feast, do come! Pat always prepares lunch for the helpers! Let her know at SID...@AOL.COM .
ANNUNCIATION IS PROUD OF: Former Altar server Alexa Alfonsi, daughter of Audra and granddaughter of Regina Ridikas, who is featured on the cover of SUNY Potsdam’s magazine! Alexa is studying music and drama at the university. Her sister Alina, is starring in her high school’s dramatic productions these days! Proud aunt and uncle are Lina and Ray Cesnavicius. Aleks Brittain, daughter of Rasa Bobelyte and Ross Brittain, is a CHAMPION SKATER, taking part in National Skate Dancing Competitions. She ranks #2 in the East in the “Pre-Gold” category, and #6 in the Novice Free Dance! When she is not skating, she is a freshman at Rutgers.
DID YOU SEE… The photo of the rededication of the restored way cross in front of our church in THE TABLET? The way cross was rededicated after Mass, just before the Parish Picnic!
If you or a family member is a member of the Knights of Columbus, surely you saw the nice article in the October COLUMBIA magazine about Archbishop Gintaras Grusas attendance at the Order’s Supreme Convention in Texas. Archbishop Grusas has invited the Knights to establish the Order in Lithuania! The Order is already established in Poland and Ukraine.
SHE’S A GIRL! A baby girl, Saffia Mae Adelaide Foster, was born to Suzanne Jaber, granddaughter of parishioner Adelaida Sidzikauskas Mc Carthy, and Mitchell Foster in October.
News from Mt. Carmel: Next Serenity Sunday will be December 1 at 4:30 PM. Pot Luck Supper and 12 Step Meeting follows for ALL Fellowships. Msgr. Calise is grateful for the donation of leftover sandwiches, salads, and cakes from the Velines Luncheon to the November Pot Luck supper. Glad Tidings (LGBT Community): Meets second and fourth Monday, 7:00 PM. Rectory: 718-384-0223. Monica Ministry (Domestic Violence) Hotline: 1-800-799-7233. The Food Pantry at Mt. Carmel is in need of certain items for the “baskets” it provides to those in need at Thanksgiving. Some of the things needed are canned vegetables and yams, potatoes, cranberry sauce and cake mixes. You can bring donations directly to Mt. Carmel, a fine way to perform a corporal work of mercy!
Our Lady of Vilnius News: Elaine Derso, 212-874-2506, eede...@aol.com.or Mindaugas Blaudziunas at mind...@msn.com.
News from the Diocese of Brooklyn: Bishop Di Marzio has celebrated the tenth anniversary of his appointment as bishop of Brooklyn. God Bless and keep our “pastor bonus”! Renewing our Faith through acts of Charity : Atnaujanti musu tikejimas per labdaros darbu atlikima! is the motto of this year’s appeal! Our goal this year is to raise at least $3879. We are VERY NEAR our goal… Every penny raised above that sum WILL COME BACK TO ANNUNCIATION! We ALL need to make donation to this fund. EVERY donation, any size, is a valuable one to both Bishop DiMarzio and Annunciation. FEWER THAN 50 of us gave last year. That won’t DO! EVERYONE is expected to offer SOMETHING, no matter how small… PLEASE GIVE! Look for the envelopes in the church and hall, and do your part to support Annunciation If you prefer to MAIL your donation, make it payable to ANNUAL APPEAL and send it to 310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
Brooklyn’s loss is Bridgeport’s gain… Bishop Frank Caggiano, a good friend to Annunciation and Mt. Carmel, has become the fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport!
Former parish administrator Father Joseph Fonti was recently appointed as Rector-President of Cathedral Preparatory Seminary-High School in Elmhurst, NY Congratulations to him!
Lithuanian American Community: NYLB: Liudni Slibinai Concert— at Annunciation November 9 at 6:30 PM. Tickets $15. There will be refreshments and fellowship following the performance. Information: vilk...@yahoo.de
Welcome to our new member: Patricia Marcelonis
NOVEMBER 8 You are invited to attend the Baltic-New England Development Network conference “CONNECTING THE BALTICS” Conference. The consuls-general of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will take part. Information: Prof. D. Gedrimas dged...@usj.edu.
NOVEMBER 10: Lithuanian Womens Club Connecticut Chapter fundraising concert featuring newly arrived Juilliard student violinist Justina Auskelyte, accompanied by Vilija Naukokaitis. The concert takes place at 4:00 pm at Round Hill Community Church, Greenwich. The church is just off Exit 28 of the Merritt Parkway. A reception for musicians and audience follows the concert. Information: Club president Ramute Zukas ramu...@hotmail.com. Donations from those who cannot come are most welcome! All funds raised go to help the children at Lithuanian Infant orphanages in smaller cities.
November 29-December 1: Annual Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Advent Silent Retreat. Go to http://neringa.org/LT_events_advent.html for information and to register to attend.
HEADS UP! Sunday, December 8, the Annual Straw Ornament Workshop will take place following both Masses. This year, for the first time, the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute, the Lithuanian Scouts Association, and Annunciation Parish will hold a CHRISTMAS MINI-MUGE, Starting at 12:15 PM. Do your Christmas Shopping in our Parish Lower Hall December 8! Annunciation Christmas Cards, Lithuanian and English, will be available. SAVE THE DATE: KUCIOS 2013 December 15!
KUCIOS in New Jersey is sponsored by The Lithuanian American Club of Northeren New Jersey on December 7… for information please contact Susan Savaiko at bsav...@juno.com.
Help for those experiencing hearing problems! SPEECH/HEARING SCREENINGS are available, FREE, at St. John’s University. Call 718-990-6480 to get more information or to schedule an appointment! Got hearing troubles? CALL NOW!
ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish:
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, Sundays 10:00 am and 11:30 am
Confessions (Lithuanian and English): EVERY Sunday before Mass.
Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223
Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites): Father Volertas (718-326-2236, 347-62-2240) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223). Eucharistic Minister V. Cereska will bring the Eucharist to you. 347-656-9815.
Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children), Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mild...@yahoo.com for the monthly calendar.
Religious Education (Adults): Raimundas Silzys or Pat Sidas.
Altar Servers: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – algi...@yahoo.com. Schedules for serving are flexible. English-only servers are welcome, as are those who can’t come all the time.
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir: CONTINUES TO SING ALL SUMMER, BLESS THEM!
Lectors at Mass: Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas ( vida...@gmail.com , or 516-922-1760). Vida will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time.
ATTENTION! VOLUNTEER USHERS are URGENTLY needed at Sunday Mass. Contact Raimundas Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM to volunteer.
IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE! There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life saving!
Volunteers are always needed in our parish.The list of who to contact is below…….CALL! E-MAIL! COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!
Administrator: Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223
Associate Priest: Rev.Vytautas Volertas – 347-628-2240
Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members: Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys
Lithuanian Affairs: Vida Jankauskienė – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Committee: Raimundas Slizys – LIT...@AOL.COM
Lectors / Ushers: Vida Penikas – vida...@gmail.com
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir: Asta Barkauskas. Just Come to the loft!
Curator of the Organ: Saulius Janusas
Kavine: Pat Sidas- 203-762-9726, email- SID...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian / English Bulletin Editor: Vida Jankauskienė – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Parish Website Administrator: Arunas Tirksliunas – I...@nyapreiskimo.com
Decorating the Church: Joe Rudis, Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM, 718-438-4649
Acolyte Program: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Religious Education: Dr. Milda Palubinskaite – Mild...@yahoo.com, Raimundas Slizys – LITH...@AOL.COM, Rosemarie Walsh (English) – 718-384-0223, ext. 28
Queen of the Rosary Academy: Maureen Rooney, 718-782-1110
Teachers of Light Tutoring / SAT Prep program (FREE): 347-342-8354, www.Teachersoflight.org
Ateitis Adult Chapter: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM
Ateitis Youth Chapter: Dr. Milda Palubinskas – mild...@yahoo.com
Spanish Affairs Committee / Bulletin: Leticia Serrano – ARI...@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir: Antonio Arenas. See him after 11:30 am Mass
Guadalupe Committee: Clemente Randon – C12G...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian Apostolate provides counsel, access to resources, translation services, social and religious assistance to Lithuanian speaking people in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Greater New York. Contact Rev. Vytautas Volertas – VOLE...@AOL.COM, 347-628-2240) or Diocesan Migration Office 718-236-3000
Lithuanian Languagae Internet Apostolate:
IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE!/ There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life saving!
To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact Raimundas Slizys – LITH...@AOL.COM
VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish at 718-384-0223 by e-mail at olmc...@yahoo.com , or at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office… 718-384-0223.
To ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church: Joe Rudis has the Sunday Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50. MASS IS SAID EVERY WEDNESDAY (in Spanish) at 7:00 PM. AT ANNUNCIATION. Intentions are available for this Mass. Contact Msgr. Calise at OLMC...@YAHOO.COM for information.
Lithuanian Organizations
Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid: 718-326-5202 www.lkrsalpa.org, email: l...@earthlink.net
Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School: Rasa Sprindys, Principal – dire...@nymaironiomokykla.org
Lithuanian Scouts: Tomas Lora – tlo...@optonline.net , Aldute Belzer – aldu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Athletic Club: (www.lithnyc.com), contact Jonas Jankauskas – Kopu...@gmail.com
Tryptinis NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble: Jonas Jankauskas – Kopu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Folk Art Institute NY Chapter: Laurynas Vismanas – Laur...@aol.com
Lithuanian American Community: Algirdas Grybas – algi...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Citizens Club: Dr. Giedre Kumpikas – ambe...@mac.com
Knights of Lithuania: K12 NYC: Elaine Derso – eede...@aol.com ; K110 BQ: Dr. P. Kazas – pka...@dot.nyc.gov ; K152 LI: Julia Schroeder – jasc...@aol.com; www.knightsoflithuania.com
Marija Radijas: www.marijosradijas.LT
NEW YORK Lithuanian Radio: New York, Tuesdays, 9:00 PM WPAT 930 AM, or at www.wpat930am.com
THE DAILY GOSPEL: www.dailygospel.org
Workers’ Rights Hotline: For complaints or concerns about pay or working conditions, 877-525-2267
Grace Institute: Free Job Training for Women: 1223 2nd Avenue, NYC, 212-832-7605
Churches United: English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services. All free, 718-388-3774
Diocesan Catholic Charities Family /Counseling Centers: 718-281-9540, www.ccbq.org
Rachel’s Helpers: Abortion Victims Consolation, 718-939-6646
Serenity Sunday: Monsignor Calise, 718-384-0223
LGBT Ministry: Father Michael Lynch, 718-834-0223
Monica Ministry: Domestic Abuse, 718-384-0223
Northside Senior Center: 179 North 6th (Bet. Bedford and Driggs Aves.) “Morning Coffee Break”, lunch, recreational, educational, and social activities, a COMPUTER LAB, and Social Services information available FREE, or for VERY LITTLE charge. 718-387-2316