Welcome to Apreiskimo Parapijos
English Language Bulletin
TAIZE Service for All Souls Day 12:00 pm Annunciation Church
November 2 All Souls Day Commemoration Annunciation Church
All Souls Day Memorial Luncheon Parish Lower Hall
November 4 Election Day (US) VOTE!
November 7 Song Festival Chorus Rehearsal 6:30 PM Parish Lower Hall
November 9 KAVINE Parish Lower Hall
Childrens’ Liturgy Annunciation Church
November 11 VETERANS DAY (ARMISTICE DAY) American National Holiday
November 16 KAVINE Parish Lower Hall
Choir Rehearsal
November 17 Parish Council meeting 7:00 PM OLMC Meeting Room
Lithuanian Army Day, Kavine Parish Lower Hall
December 7 Christmas MINI-MUGE and 11:15 AM Parish Lower Hall; STRAW ORNAMENT WORKSHOPS 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM
In June of 1914, one hundred years ago, a man called a Crown Prince of a vast empire was murdered by a fanatic in a small European country. At the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh month in 1918, the Armistice to end the “War to end all Wars” was declared. As the world commemorates the centenary of World War I, we all need to take a moment and pray for “the peace that the world cannot give…” We all need to remember, too, that without Justice there cannot be Peace…… Pray for all the veterans who suffer from war wounds, for their families, and those Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen now in Harm’s Way everywhere.
Holy Mother the Church begins the new Liturgical Year in November. The Feast of Christ the King concludes the year in progress, and the First Sunday of Advent heralds in the new Liturgical Year. Since the Second Vatican Council increased the number of verses of Holy Scripture that are read at Mass, the change of the Liturgical Year also signifies a new cycle of Liturgical Readings. The coming Liturgical Year’s readings will be those of CYCLE “B”.
The traditional Thanksgiving Feast will take place in our Parish Lower Hall on November 30. All are invited to attend. The cost for adults is only $10, children under 12, $2,00. Tickets will go on sale November 1. The food will be FABULOUS, as usual. There will also be desros and kopusta and venison stew! Pumpkin pie, made from Pat’s Pumpkins! Come and have FUN….Someone else did the cooking!
If you can help out at the feast on Sunday, or on Saturday when we “Set Up”, let Pat know (sid...@aol.com.)
The second annual Christmas Mini-Muge will be held on December 7 in the Parish Lower Hall from 11:15 AM-2:00 PM. There will be food, Christmas Crafts, and other specialty items, many handcrafted. The Parish and Tautodailes Instituta will provide the traditional straw ornament making workshops, (11:30 AM and 12:30 PM), with instruction both in Lithuanian and English. Additional folk art or handcraft artists are welcome to take a table to exhibit and sell their work. Please contact Pat Sidas (sid...@aol.com, 2013-762-9726) for information. The Mini-Muge is jointly sponsored by Annunciation Parish, the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute, and the Lithuanian Scouts Association.
All Souls Day: “Ateitis”, in conjunction with the Parish, once again conducted an All Souls Day service according to the ceremonials of the TAIZE Monastery in France. Many, many thanks go to Dr. Lukosevicius and Jurate and Mindaugas Zukauskas, who organized the program. Our church was filled with candle light…………a screen was set up showing slides of cemeteries in Lithuania ablaze with candles honoring the Beloved Dead. Jurate Zukauskas presided at the keyboard, accompanying the singing of the simple melodies that comprise the TAIZE All Souls Ceremonies. With grief in their hearts, but hope in their souls, parishioners carried candles to the altar, where a large crucifix awaited them. Several children from Maironis School played instrumental solos, while others read Scripture. Words of comfort from Archbishop Grusas and the writer Justinas Marcinkevicius were read. Several young people “pantomimed” the words of the Lord’s prayer, reminding us that it is actions, not just words……Arijana Lukosevicius sang a hauntingly beautiful AVE, MARIA, unaccompanied, to conclude the program. “Pray for yourself, for one another, and for those we miss……….May they rest in peace…”
Sunday morning the very beautiful and traditional Mass for the Dead was said at 10:00 AM. Candles were prepared for the grieving of the parish to carry to the altar as the names of the deceased were read by the lector. Whole families reverently carried candles to the altar rail, where they softly flickered through the Mass, a gentle reminder of those who “have gone before us with the sign of faith….” After Mass a “traditional” luncheon for those in mourning took place. People greeted and consoled one another. Each family received “their” candle and a small purple sword plant, symbolic of both grief and life. Special thanks go to the following, who helped make sandwiches, brought food, set up the tables, and CLEANED UP!: Gene Dirsyte, Grazina and Saulius Janusas, Irena Kirkyla, Nijole Mazeika, Jura Nemickas, Vida Penikas, Jean and Martin Pietrusiewicz, Ramune Rimas, Pat Sidas, Matas Slizys, Raimundas Slizys, Tracey Slizys, Milda Stanislauskas, and Nijole Zukauskas.
Annunciation Parish is represented on Monsignor Calise’s “Pastoral Council” by Eric Arrango, Dr. A.Lukosevicius and Vida Penikas. The meetings allow for exchange of information among the English, Italian, Lithuanian and Spanish speaking congregations Msgr. Calise leads, and are a forum for him to provide information from the Diocese. The Council meets monthly. The next meeting is November 17.
Did you notice the absolutely gorgeous new “antipendium” that hangs from the altar table, and the new altar accoutrements that match it? Take a bow, Dr. Lukosevicius! Algis and Sacristan Phil Caponegro have “rehabilitated” the pillar that is used for the statue of the Risen Christ Easter Sunday. Ruta Mockus gets to take a bow, too. Ruta and her “magic” paintbrushes have been repairing cracks and chips in our graceful plaster decorative designs. Our beautiful church gets ever more beautiful because of the generosity and care of our parishioners. Want to help? Dr. Algis knows how to facilitate that, and knows what needs to be done!
A really big piece of “rehabilitation” was done by Algis and Phil when they took down the original way cross in front of the church. Parishioners had been noticing the wood rot that afflicted this work of art. Old wood has been replaced by new, sturdy wood that is pressure treated and heavily “varnished”. Replacement pieces for decorative motifs too damaged to be replaced on the cross have been ordered from Lithuanian artisans. So, don’t worry—it wasn’t vandals….the Cross is in good hands!
The MASS BOOK for 2015 is now available. The traditional stipend for Sunday Mass is $50. See Joe Rudis at Kavine if you wish to ask a Mass said for your intention.
Monthly Childrens Liturgy has resumed for Lithuanian speaking and English speaking children. A table with juice and cookies is provided at the Parish Coffee Hour after Mass for the children and their siblings. Contact Dr. Palubinskas for the dates. English-only children are welcome! (mild...@yahoo.com)
In order for Annunciation Parish to exist and serve The Lord’s People (like you!), parishioners need to help. Choir needs singers, Lector and Usher Corps need readers and helpers, Kavine needs cake cutters, Joe Rudis and Algis Lukosevicius, volunteer sacristans, need “handy” folk to help with minor repairs and “yard” work”. Who to call is listed on the last page of ZINIOS. Yes, it IS true: MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!
KAVINE NEWS: A big Annunciation THANK YOU to the folk who get to Mass a few minutes early and come “downstairs” to help with Kavine set up. You cannot know how much that help is appreciated! HELP IS STILL DESPERATELY NEEDED AT 9:30 AM, especially when there is a special event, like the Velines Memorial Luncheon, or the commemoration of the TV Tower attack , To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. A few reliable volunteers, who would bring vinagretas/misraine or cole slaw or potato salad, etc. when needed would be a real blessing for the parish. Irene Rudis, bless her, regularly volunteers her excellent potato salad!
An invitation from our neighbors in Philadelphia: St. Andrew’s Lithuanian Parish will celebrate it’s 90th Anniversary on the Traditional Feast of St. Andrew, November 30. Archbishop Chaput will be in attendance! Mass will be at 10:30 AM. ( 1913 Wallace Street)
If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@AOL.COM so she can coordinate your donation. ACIU to Elaine Derso, from Our Lady of Vilnius, who ALWAYS helps when she comes to Annunciation. Aciu to donors Aldona Kulpa, Albina Zumbakis and Vida Kristolaitis, and to the anonymous donor who brought COFFEE!!
Do you know about the SHARE TABLE? Every Sunday when there is not a special event, the SHARE TABLE is set up next to our “bar”. There you will find newspapers, magazines, order blanks for thinks like the magazine PENSININKAS, or the newspaper DRAUGAS, or the journal BRIDGES. Everything is FREE. If YOU have materials to share, just bring them to the table! If you find you get more calendars than you can use at this time of the year, bring them to the share table so folk who don’t get so many in the mail can have an extra!
Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Liuda Gudelis, Mrs.F. Palubinskas, Robert Fisher, Mrs. Visockis, Albina Zumbakis, and Regina Gelzinis are suffering the assaults of age. Aukse Budreckas is also in need of prayers. Please keep the mother of Scouts leader Aldute Belzer, Antanina Bulotiene, in your prayers, too…. Birute Ralyte Wilfert is doing better in her fight against cancer! Sadly Laurrynas Vismanas’ brain tumor has returned………it is expected he will enter Hospice Care soon. Keep those prayers coming!
News from the Diocese of Brooklyn: The 2014 Bishop’s Appeal fundraiser for Bishop Di Marzio is drawing to a close. Annunciation’s quota is $3, 879. All monies donated ABOVE that amount come BACK to Annunciation for parish use. Every parishioner should make a donation. (NUMBERS COUNT as much as dollars!). Fifteen, twenty, twenty five, or however many dollars you can give are MOST APPRECIATED. When we support the Annual Appeal we tell Bishop DiMarzio that Lithuanian American people of Annunciation Parish are one in the Faith with him in doing God’s work. Visit His Excellency on FACEBOOK! facebook.com/bishopdimarzio Make your check payable to Bishop’s Annual Appeal and either put it in the collection basket (Please put in an envelope….) or mail the check to Annunciation at 275 North 8th St., Brooklyn 11211. ACIU LABAI!
JOB OPPORTUNITIES with the DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN: The Human Resources Center for Parishes and Schools is collecting resumes for positions that may become available in the diocese. There are many types of jobs that become available, from cooks and custodians to organists, teachers, and bookkeepers. Some jobs are fulltime; others part time. Contact smof...@diobrook.org. The diocese is also looking for Volunteer Parish Advocates for the Disabled. For information visit the diocese web site at www.romancatholicdioceseofbrooklyn.org.
DONATIONS ARE STILL NEEDED for the installation of the Our Lady of Vilnius mural in the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph! A SINCERE THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED! The parish announces a fundraiser, between now and Christmas, to raise the remaining $9,000. Please contact JOE RUDIS during Kavinė or tel. 718-438-4649 to contribute. If you prefer to MAIL your check, make it payable to ANNUNCIATION, with the note MURAL DONATION. (275 North 8th St, Brooklyn 11211.)
SONG FESTIVAL 2015 News: Gintare Bukauskas has formed a NY Woman’s Lithuanian Chorus. Rehearsals began last Friday. For information about registering with the Chorus and the rehearsal sschedule, contact Maestra Gintrae at (zybu...@gmail.com). Birute Mockus’ children/ youth chorus is already in rehearsal at SLA in Manhattan and at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Elizabeth, NJ. For information, contact Maestra Birute at (mock...@gmail.com) More information about the festival, which will be in Chicago July 3-5, 2015, is at ZIN...@dainusvente.org . COME, SING! DANCING your thing? In 2016, in Baltimore, there will be a DANCE FESTIVAL!
News from Immaculate Conception Convent, Putnam, CT: The Annual Advent Retreat will be December 6-7. The Winter “Festival” will be January 24-25. For information contact D...@Neringa.org .
Maironis School News: 206 Skillman St., Brooklyn 11211. For more informtion contact Principal Rasa Sprindys at dire...@nymaironiomokykla.org.
Camp Neringa News: DONATIONS are welcome! Make checks payable to NERINGA, Inc. Send to 600 Liberty Highway, Putnam, CT 06260.
Lithuanian Scouts Association News: All children of Lithuanian heritage are invited to join the Lithuanian Scouting Organization, from ages 6 and up. Sueigos (Scout meetings) are on Saturdays after Lithuanian Saturday school in Brooklyn. For more information and a meetings calendar, please contact Aldute Belzer at aldu...@gmail.com (for girls) and Tomas Lora at tlo...@optonline.net (for boys).
News from Mt. Carmel: Next Serenity Sunday will be December 7, at 4:30 PM. Pot Luck Supper and 12 Step Meeting follows for ALL Fellowships after Mass. Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233.
Lithuanian Alliance of America (Susivienijimas Lietuvių Amerikoje (SLA), 307 W. 30 Street, NYC), is an active member-based organization focusing on various educational and cultural activities to promote Lithuanian heritage and to preserve it for future generations. Membership Forms are available on the Kavine Share Table. For information contact SLA at laa...@verizon.net or (212) 563-2210.
Sad news: May they rest in peace in the arms of the Lord………Juozas Stankevicius has died in Florida. He is survived by his children Irena, Linas, and Jonas. Jonas Marcinkevicius died in “Sulvalku Tricampis” in Poland…………He was the brother of parishioner Maryte Semininkas.
Our Lady of Vilnius News: The Ausros Vartu Council 12, Knights of Lithuania, continues to meet.
The meetings are at the “SLA” building 207 West 30 Street. For information contact Elaine Derso at eede...@aol.com
HEADS UP! The Annual Joint KUCIOS will be held on Sunday, December 14 after 10:00 AM Mass.
Welcome to our new readers! Dr. Roze Somkaite, Grazina Crisman, and Ricardas Nemickas, Welcome back, Ramune Rimas!
The Sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish!
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is said in Spanish in our church Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, Sundays at 10:00 AM in Lithuanian and 11:30 AM in Spanish.
Confessions are heard (Lithuanian and English) EVERY Sunday before Mass.
Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223
Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites)Father Volertas (718-326-2236, 347-62-2240) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223) Eucharistic Minister V. Cereska will bring the Eucharist to you. 347-656-9815.
Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children): Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mild...@yahoo.com for the monthly calendar.
Religious Education (Adults) Raimundas Slizys or Pat Sidas.
Altar Servers Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ( algi...@yahoo.com). Schedules for serving are flexible.
English-only servers are welcome, as are those who can’t come all the time.
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir is always open for new members. Just come to the loft!
Lectors and Ushers at Mass Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas (vida...@gmail.com, or 516-922-1760). Schedules are flexible!
Volunteers are always needed in our parish. The list of who to contact is below…….CALL! E-MAIL!
COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!
Administrator Msgr. Joseph Calise 718-384-0223
Associate Priest Rev.Vytautas Volertas 347-628-2240
Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys
Lithuanian Affairs Committee Vida Jankauskas ALGI...@YAHOO.COM ; Raimundas Slizys LIT...@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir Asta Barkauskas Just Come to the loft!
Curator of the Organ Saulius Janusas
Kavine Pat Sidas 203-762-9726, SID...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor Vida Penikas VIDA...@GMAIL.COM
Parish Website Administrator Arunas Tirksliunas I...@nyapreiskimo.com
Decorating the Church Joe Rudis, Dr.Algis Lukosevicius 718-438-4649
Queen of the Rosary Academy Marian Hernandez 718-782-1110
Ateitis Adult Chapter Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ALGI...@yahoo.com
Ateitis Youth Chapter Dr. Milda Palubinskas mild...@yahoo.com
For a Sober Lithuania (Sobriety and Health Activists) Genovaite Meskeliene 347-268-6391
Spanish Affairs Committee /Bulletin Leticia Serrano ARI...@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir Antonio Arenas See him after 11:30 am Mass
Guadalupe Committee Clemente Randon C12G...@AOL.COM
Lithuanian Apostolate provides counsel, access to resources, translation services, social and religious assistance to Lithuanian speaking people in Greater New York. Contact Rev. Vytautas Volertas (VOLE...@AOL.COM, 347-628-2240) or Diocesan Migration Office 718-236-3000
Lithuanian Language Internet Apostolate: http://www.lietuviai.ca/sielovada/
ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL FACEBOOK: Search “ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL”. You will find a picture of the dear old building, and an army of Annunciation Sons and Daughters waiting to be in touch!!
IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE! There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life-saving!
To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact R. Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM
VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish, call 718-384-0223 by e-mail olmc...@yahoo.com. At Kavine, See Joe Rudis for a registration form. DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE REGISTERED BECAUSE YOU GET MAILINGS! Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office…718-384-0223. To donate online, contact www.donation path.com.
Lithuanian Organizations
Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid 718-326-5202 www.lkrsalpa.org l...@earthlink.net
Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School Rasa Sprindys, Principal dire...@nymaironiomokykla.org
Lithuanian Scouts: Tomas Lora, tlo...@optonline.net Aldute Belzer, aldu...@gmail.com
Lithuanian Athletic Club (www.lithnyc.com) Jonas Jankauskas Kopu...@gmail.com
Tryptinis NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble Cheryl Milukas cjmi...@hotmail.com
Lithuanian Folk Art Institute NY Chapter Laurynas Vismanas Laur...@aol.com
Lithuanian Citizens Club Dr. Giedre Kumpikas ambe...@mac.com
Knights of Lithuania: K12NYC: Elaine Derso eede...@aol.com K110BQ: Dr. P. Kazas: pka...@dot.nyc.gov
K152LI:Julia Schroeder jasc...@aol.com www.knightsoflithuania.com
RadioMarija www.marijosradijas.LT
NEW YORK Lithuanian Radio: New York Tuesdays, 9:00 PM WPAT 930 AM, or at www.wpat930am.com
THE DAILY GOSPEL www.dailygospel.org
RELEVANT RADIO WNSW AM 1430 AM. www.relevantradio.com
Workers’ Rights Hotline For complaints or concerns about pay or working conditions 877-525-2267
Grace Institute Free Job Training for Women 1223 2nd Avenue, NYC 212-832-7605
Churches United English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services. All free 718-388-3774
Diocesan Catholic Charities Family/Counseling Centers 718-281-9540, www.ccbq.org
Rachel’s Helpers Abortion Victims Consolation 718-939-6646
Serenity Sunday (For those in recovery and those who love them) Msgr. Calise 718-384-0223
Northside Senior Center: 179 North 6th (Between Bedford and Driggs Aves.) “Morning Coffee Break”, lunch, recreational, educational, and social activities, a COMPUTER LAB, and Social Services information available FREE, or for VERY LITTLE charge. 718-387-2316
JAV lietuviški laikraščiai: Lithuanian periodicals in US (Aciu Philadelphia Pranesimai!)
http://eglute.org/ (Lithuanian) FOR CHILDREN
http://www.lituanus.org/main.php?id=home (English)
http://www.draugas.org (Lithuanian Newspaper thrice weekly and English monthly)
http://www.alietuvis.com (Lithuanian weekly newspaper)
www.lithuanian-american.org/bridges (English Magazine of Lithuanian Life) : Facebook.com/BridgesLithuanianAmericanMagazine
http://lithuanian-american.org/m/explore-lac/publications/pensininkas (Magazine for Seniors)