Welcome to Apreiškimo Parapijos
English Language Bulletin
APRIL, 2016
The Jubilee Year of Mercy
The Spiritual Works of Mercy: teach the ignorant, pray for the living and the dead, correct sinners, console the sorrowful, bear wrongs patiently and forgive wrongs willingly.
The Corporal Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, comfort prisoners, visit the sick, and bury the dead.
April 3 Divine Mercy Sunday
April 4 SOLEMNITY OF THE FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION (Celebrated: March 25 fell on Good Friday this year)
April 10 Kavine Parish Lower Hall
April 11 Parish Council Meeting OLMC Meeting Room
April 17 Communion Breakfast OLMC Upper Hall
April 23 Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass St. Joseph co-Cathedral
April 24 ATEITIS Investiture Annunciation Church Luncheon , Parish Lower Hall
April 30 Diocesan Migration Celebration St. Joseph co-Cathedral
May 1 Motinos Diena Minejimas OLMC Hall
May 8 MOTHERS DAY (US) Kavine, Parish Lower Hall
The postponed Parish Retreat took place on Passion Sunday, March 13. The parish is grateful that Fr. Lukas Laniauskas, SJ came from Chicago for a one-day retreat. He heard confessions before and after Mass. He preached the sermon at Mass, which was concelebrated with Fr. Volertas. When he returned to the Lower Hall after hearing confessions, he again made a presentation. Ateitis Youth attended Mass in a body. Its members were the lectors. Lunch followed. Following lunch, the New York Chapter of Ateitis met and held conference with Fr. Laniauskas. Many thanks to the parishioners and Ateitis members who offered to donate food for the lunch, and to Milda Chacar-Palubinskas and her helpers for setting up the Hall!
ACIU to Jean Pietrusiewicz and family for all the help in setting up coffee, etc.! Young Martin is building his service hours helping his parish…………….Good for HIM! HE is a FIFTH generation parishioner!
Everyone owes a big Annunciation ACIU to Raimundas Slizys, who dutifully set stuff up, took it down, took photographs, and came to the kitchen to help with the work, and cleaned up the tables with the rose petal messes from the verbos workshop.
Following Father’s talk after lunch, there was an opportunity to make traditional “verba”. ACIU,, Josephina Senken, for the donation of dried flowers! A really big tip of the hat and ACIU to the Chacar-Palubinskas boys, their sister Nida, and Elzbieta and Olivia Zukauskas for helping clean up the inevitable mess that making verba creates after the verbos workshop! The verba were made available to the parishioners on Palm Sunday. Customarily, they are taken to cemeteries…………..
Kestas and Astra Bileris did a beautiful thing for our parishioners………….Kestas brought a HUGE bouquet of pussy willows to Kavine on Passion Sunday to share. How nice is that!
Velykos……..the greatest Feast of Holy Mother, the Church, was celebrated with great joy at Annunciation. Again this year Fr. Volertas came Holy Thursday to celebrate the Liturgy of the Last Supper, the establishment of the Eucharist and the priesthood. As Christ did for his Apostles, he girded himself with a cloth and washed the feet of 12 parishioners. Let us always symbolically do likewise for our fellow man! A big ACIU to Algirdas Lukosevicius, all our altar boys, the Annunciation Choir, and all the people who came to the Mass. The attendance proves that Annunciation Parish is alive and well and worshiping the Risen Lord at North 5th and Havemeyer!
Easter Sunday saw a crowd (There were extra places, though!) of Lithuanian and English speaking folk arrive at the crack of dawn (sort-of!) for the Mass of the Resurrection. Msgr. Calise came to bring greetings. The Mighty Austin, accompanied by the Annunciation Choir sang of the LINKSMA DIENA—Joyous Day–. Father Volertas, bearing the Blessed Sacrament, the Mass servers, and the Altar Boys processed around and around our beautiful church…REJOICE! He is risen as he said He would! Behold our salvation!
Kavine was prepared by a wonderful bunch of ladies ably assisted by their noble spouses. A big Annunciation ACIU to all who contributed food, helped with the set up, and CLEAN UP. Kudos and splendiferous salutations to Tracey Slizys, who arrived at SIX AM to start the ball rolling, and the Pietrusiewicz family who followed close on her heels!
There is something NEW in our church…………….A perfect copy of The Divine Mercy painting in Vilnius! It is a gift to us from Archbishop Grusas! Imagine! It is “life size” and fabulously framed. Msgr. Calise provided a rack of votive lights for our newest shrine. Fr. Vytautas Volertas, bestowed a blessing upon the painting during its dedication on April 3rd, Divine Mercy Sunday, assisted by Dr. Algirdas Lukosevicius. Following the blessing, parishioners expressed their devotion to the painting by reciting the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy, an intercessory prayer that extends the offering of the Eucharist. Look for the painting to the left of the Main Altar………Jesus, Divine Mercy, PRAY FOR US! When you see Algis Lukosevicius, THANK HIM for his heroic work at getting the piece framed and hung. (Thank Phil Caponegro, too, for getting it in place for Divine Mercy Sunday!)
Sunday, April 10 Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olekas will visit Annunciation Church. Our parish is honored! Stop in at Kavine and say HELLO! We are honored by your visit!
The Annual Diocessan Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on April 23, 11 AM at St. Joseph’s co-Cathedral, Pacific Street, Brooklyn for couples celebrating 25, 40, 50 and 50+ years of marriage. To register call 718-287-9540.
Bishop Di Marzio’s Annual Catholic Appeal has started. This fundraising campaign is DIFFERENT from the recently concluded GENERATIONS OF FAITH campaign. The Catholic Appeal is Bishop Di Marzio, coming to us, miter in hand, begging for funds to help him feed the poor, shelter the homeless, provide services to migrants such as are provided through the Lithuanian Apostolate, to assist parishes with religious education, etc. Everyone is asked to give, not a LOT, but SOME. Your small donations of $25-$50 ADD UP! Make your check payable to and put it into the collection basket or mail it to 275 North 8th Street Brooklyn, 11211.
ATTENTION! Did you know that the good folk at Mt. Carmel run a food pantry? They do! Our dear sacristan, Phil Caponegro, is one of the Pantry’s volunteers. Phil recently mentioned that when the bags of food are assembled, the volunteers like to slip a treat into them…….some mini-candy bars, packets of craisins or raisins, etc. If you would like to donate some of these treats, Phil would be delighted. Just bring them to the kitchen any Sunday and the Kavine crew will see to it Phil gets them. Leftover Easter treats, anyone?
KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, contact Pat Sidas at SID100@AOL.COM IN ADVANCE so she can coordinate your donation. Donations of supplies like coffee or napkins or juice are ALWAYS welcome. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. HINT, HINT:
The clean-up could be made MUCH LIGHTER WORK if all of us pushed in our chairs and CLEANED UP OUR SPILLS. Help keep our hall NEAT AND CLEAN! Remember, we have NO custodian there!
ATEITIS will celebrate the induction of new members and the conclusion of a successful year at the 10:00 am Mass Sunday, April 24. There will be a procession; those to be newly invested will be the lectors. Investiture will precede the recitation of the Creed. Father Astijus Kungys, OFM, brother of Annunciation’s own Salvijus, will concelebrate the Mass with Fr. Volertas and will preach the sermon. Following Mass there will be a celebration and lunch in the Parish Lower Hall. For more information, contact Ateitis leader Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mildapalubinskas@yahoo.com.
Lectors and Ushers at Mass Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas (vidaaldis@gmail.com, or 516-922-1760). Schedules are flexible! Good public speaking practice!
ENGLISH LANGUAGE MISALETTES for folk for whom it is easier to follow the Mass in English are now available! If you don’t find them on the table with the bulletins in the vestibule you will find them on the bench just to the right of the center aisle. HELP YOURSELF! Use these helpful books to expand and strengthen your faith! Yes, you can take one home!
Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Liuda Gudelis, Mrs. F. Palubinskas, Robert Fisher, Antanina Bulotiene, Aldona Senken, Joe Rudis, Linas Eitmanas and Regina Gelzinis are suffering the assaults of age. Maria Cutrone, Grandmother of Altar Boys Martin and Ken Pietrusiewicz is better….. Please pray for Andrea Catalonotti, wife or our Facilities Manager, Richard Catalonatti, who has health troubles, as do Elena Ruzgas and Pat Sidas……….
The beautiful vigil candles (for use at home, or, by custom, at cemeteries) decorated with photos of our beloved church and the painting of Our Lady of Vilnius (Ausros Vartu), are available every Sunday at Kavine. You can get one with a verse on it in Lithuanian or English. Cost is $5.
Scouts News: Congratulations on a Fabulous MUGE and a lovely Scouts Honor Court Ceremony! How moving it was to see “Senior” Scouts in the audience raising their hands for the Scouts Pledge! Scouts will do a clean-up of the church grounds later this month, bless them!
Maironis School News: For information about classes (Adult classes, too!) contact principal Rasa Sprindys at director@maironiomokykla.com. School meets at St. Francis of Paola, 206 Skillman Avenue, Williamsburg 11211. 718-497-3219. Be sure to put Mother’s Day Celebration on your calendar: May 1! For information on tickets contact Rasa Sprindys.
News from New Jersey: Dr. Frances Kavalauskaite will give a piano recital to benefit Kudirka Lithuanian School (Elizabeth, NJ) and the scholarship program of Dr. Roze Somkaite Saturday, April 23. For specific information contact Susan Savaiko at 973-328-2850.
Parish Council News Annunciation’s Lithuanian Community is ably represented on the Council by Dr. Algirdas Lukosevicius, Vida Penikas and Raimundas Slizys. Communion Breakfast April 17. Next meeting is May 10. JOB OPPORTUNITIES with the DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN: There are many types of jobs, full time and part time that become available, from cooks and custodians to organists, teachers, and bookkeepers. Contact smoffitt@diobrook.org. TUITION ASSISTANCE from Futures in Education program for grades Pre-K-8 is available. Contact 800-477-8267. Deadline is April 22.
Camp Neringa News: REGISTRATION FOR CAMP IS OPEN! Places fill up REALLY QUICKLY for this magical place! (www.neringa.com )DONATIONS to Camp Neringa are always welcome! NERINGA, Inc. 600 Liberty Highway, Putnam, CT 06260. JOIN Neringa as a member of the Corporation! www.neringa.com. Keep the magic going for another generation! DRAUGAS ENGLISH recently featured a great article by Annunciation‘s own Christina Senkute Heery about Neringa‘s Family Camp. Her whole family goes! Even Mociute Josephina!
DANCE FESTIVAL 2016 News: Tryptinis Dance Troop rehearses in the Parish Lower Hall. Contact Joe Milukas at jmilukas@sbcglobal.net, Milda Stanislauskas at mildaest@hotmail.com or Rima Sekovas at rima.sekovaite@gmail.comfor rehearsal dates and times. Aldona Marijosius is the teacher!
The Ausros Vartu Council 12, Knights of Lithuania, meets at 207 West 30 Street, NYC. Father Sawicki graciously comes to say Mass. For information contact Elaine Derso at eederso@aol.com.
SLA/LAA News: For information about joining this oldest still- functioning Lithuanian organization, see Grazina Janusas at Kavine! (grazina1may@yahoo.com). For general information, contact Laima Mihailovich at laasla@verizon.net . They have many wonderful exhibits there!
October 9, 2016 there will be a celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the dedication of the Chapel of Our Lady of Siluva at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. Visit www.siluva50usa.org
HEADS UP! The Annual Diocesan Migration Day Celebration will be at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral (856 Pacific Street) April 30. Ask Fr. Volertas for further information. And, when you DO go, look for the glorious painting of AUSROS VARTU, copied from Annunciation’s own Ausros Vartu, on the ceiling!
Sad News: Joe Rudis’ aunt Catherine, 105, has died. She is survived by her son and family, and Joe and Irene Rudis. Irene’s older sister Helen also died. Elena Skeivys has died. She is survived by her son Dr. Saulius Skeivys. May they rest in peace in the arms of the angels….
The Sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish!
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is said in Spanish in our church Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, Sundays at 10:00 AM in Lithuanian and 11:30 AM in Spanish.
Confessions are heard (Lithuanian and English) EVERY Sunday before Mass.
Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223
Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites)Father Volertas (718-326-2236, 347-62-2240) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223) Eucharistic Minister V. Cereska will bring the Eucharist to you. 347-656-9815.
Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children): Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at mildapalubinskas@yahoo.com for the monthly calendar.
Religious Education (Adults) Raimundas Slizys or Pat Sidas.
Altar Servers Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ( algirdas212@yahoo.com). Schedules for serving are flexible.
English-only servers are welcome, as are those who can’t come all the time.
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir is always open for new members. Just come to the loft!
Lectors and Ushers at Mass Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas (vidaaldis@gmail.com, or 516-922-1760). Schedules are flexible!
The MASS BOOK The 2016 Mass Book is open. See Vida Penikas to have a Mass said for your intention. The usual stipend is $50. Mass intentions can be shared.
COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!
Administrator Msgr. Joseph Calise 718-384-0223
Associate Priest Rev.Vytautas Volertas 347-628-2240
Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys
Lithuanian Affairs Vida Jankauskas ALGISVIDAJ@YAHOO.COM
Committee Raimundas Slizys LITHNY@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir Asta Barkauskas Just Come to the loft!
Curator of the Organ Saulius Janusas
Kavine Pat Sidas 203-762-9726, SID100@AOL.COM
Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor Vida Penikas VIDAALDIS@GMAIL.COM
Parish Website Administrator Arunas Tirksliunas INFO@nyapreiskimo.com
Decorating the Church Joe Rudis, Dr.Algis Lukosevicius 718-438-4649
Queen of the Rosary Academy Marian Hernandez 718-782-1110
Ateitis Adult Chapter Dr. Algis Lukosevicius ALGIRDAS212@yahoo.com
Ateitis Youth Chapter Dr. Milda Palubinskas mildapalubinskas@yahoo.com
For a Sober Lithuania (Sobriety and Health Activists) Genovaite Meskelis 347-268-6391
Spanish Affairs Committee /Bulletin Leticia Serrano ARILET@AOL.COM
Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir Antonio Arenas See him after 11:30 am Mass
Guadalupe Committee Clemente Randon C12G4H9A6S@AOL.COM
Lithuanian Apostolate provides counsel, access to resources, translation services, social and religious assistance to Lithuanian speaking people in Greater New York. Contact Rev. Vytautas Volertas (VOLERTAS@AOL.COM, 347-628-2240) or Diocesan Migration Office 718-236-3000
Lithuanian Language Internet Apostolate: www.lietuviai.ca/sielovada/
ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL FACEBOOK: Search “ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL”. You will find a picture of the dear old building, and an army of Annunciation Sons and Daughters waiting to be in touch!!
IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE! There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life-saving!
To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact R. Slizys at LITHNY@AOL.COM
VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish, call 718-384-0223 by e-mail olmcn8th@yahoo.com. DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE REGISTERED BECAUSE YOU GET MAILINGS!
Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office…718-384-0223
Lithuanian Organizations
Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid 718-326-5202 www.lkrsalpa.org lcra@earthlink.net
Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School Rasa Sprindys, Principal director@nymaironiomokykla.org
Lithuanian Scouts : Tomas Lora, tlora@optonline.net Nida Stnkunas
Lithuanian Athletic Club (www.lithnyc.com) Jonas Jankauskas Kopustas@gmail.com
Tryptinis NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble mildaest@hotmail.com
Lithuanian Folk Art Institute NY Chapter Aldona Rygelis
Lithuanian Citizens Club Dr. Giedre Kumpikas amberwings@mac.com
Lithuanian Alliance of America (Susivienijimas Lietuvių Amerikoje (SLA) laasla@verizon.net (212) 563-2210
Knights of Lithuania: K12NYC: Elaine Derso eederso@aol.com K110BQ: Dr. P. Kazas: pkazas@dot.nyc.gov
K152LI:Julia Schroeder jaschr1950@aol.com www.knightsoflithuania.com
RadioMarija www.marijosradijas.LT
NEW YORK Lithuanian Radio: New York Tuesdays, 9:00 PM WPAT 930 AM, or at www.wpat930am.com
THE DAILYGOSPEL www.dailygospel.org
RELEVANT RADIO WNSW AM 1430 AM. www.relevantradio.com
THE TABLET Diocesan Newspaper www.thetablet.org
Workers’ Rights Hotline For complaints or concerns about pay or working conditions 877-525-2267
Grace Institute Free Job Training for Women 1223 2nd Avenue, NYC 212-832-7605
Churches United English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services. All free 718-388-3774
Diocesan Catholic Charities Family/Counseling Centers 718-281-9540, www.ccbq.org
Rachel’s Helpers Abortion Victims Consolation 718-939-6646
Serenity Sunday (For those in recovery and those who love them) Msgr. Calise 718-384-0223
Northside Senior Center: 179 North 6th (Between Bedford and Driggs Aves.)
Lithuanian periodicals in US (Aciu Philadelphia Pranesimai!)
http://eglute.org/ (Lithuanian) FOR CHILDREN
http://www.lituanus.org/main.php?id=home (English)
http://www.draugas.org (Lithuanian Newspaper thrice weekly OR English DRAUGAS monthly plus Lithuanian Heritage Magazine)
http://www.alietuvis.com (Lithuanian weekly newspaper)
www.lithuanian-american.org/bridges (English Magazine of Lithuanian Life) Facebook.com/BridgesLithuanianAmericanMagazine
http://lithuanian-american.org/m/explore-lac/publications/pensininkas (Magazine for Seniors)
DRAUGAS, the Chicago based Lithuanian newspaper, is now streaming MASS from Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in Chicago’s Marquette Park community, 11AM, CDST, at http://youtube.com/draugolaikrastis !