Welcome to the First Annual Madonnas of the World Procession in the Archdiocese of New York. The purpose of this event is to entrust the families of this Archdiocese to Our Lady during the Marian month of May. Catholics should be able to experience the spiritual richness of our Archdiocese and celebrate the universal bond that the Rosary creates all over the world through representations of International Madonnas. Be a part of this extraordinary event! Let us celebrate and venerate Mary, the world's mother, during this Mother Day's weekend. Mary, mother of the world, pray for us!
Renginio Informacija /
Event Information
Event Information
Sveiki gyvi,
Šį šeštadienį, 2011 metų gegužės 7 dieną, Niujorke yra organizuojamas svarbus renginys. Dievo Motinos Marijos garbei Niujorko arkivyskupijoje yra rengiamos iškilmingos mišios ir procesija. Procesijos metu bus nešamos viso pasaulio Marijų ikonos. Lietuviai neš Aušros Vartų Mariją.
Mišios bus laikomos The Church of the Holy Innocents (128 West 37str, Manhattan) 4-tą valandą popiet. Pageidautina, jog visi susirinktų bažnyčioje pusvalandžiu anksčiau- apie pusę keturių. Kiekvienos šalies atstovai bažnyčioje sėdės jiems paskirtose vietose, todėl vietų užtikrinimui apie jūsų dalyvavimą praneškite iš anksto!
Kviečiame visus, tiek senus, tiek jaunus dalyvauti šiose mišiose ir procesijoje. Procesija prasidės 5-tą valandą vakaro, tuoj pat po mišių. Eisime nuo bažnyčios iki Times Square ir atgal.
Apie šį įvykį, prašau, praneškite savo draugams ir artimiesiems. Kas norite, atsineškite Marijos paveikslus ir kitą su šia švente susijusią atributiką.
Praleiskime savaitgalį vienybėje ir prasmingai. Iki pasimatymo!
Visais klausimais kreipkitės į:
Ramutę Žukaitę:
Tel: 1-516-353-1229
Email: ramutezukas@hotmail.com arba
Mindaugą Blaudžiūną
Email: mindaugasb@msn.com Daugiau informacijos rasite: www.oneworldonemother.com
Tel: 1-516-353-1229
Email: ramutezukas@hotmail.com arba
Mindaugą Blaudžiūną
Email: mindaugasb@msn.com Daugiau informacijos rasite: www.oneworldonemother.com
Dear Friends:
On Saturday, May 7, 2011, there will be a Mass and procession in honor of our Blessed Mother at the Church of the Holy Innocents, located at 128 West 37th Street in Manhattan. This inaugural event in the Archdiocese of New York is titled, “One World…One Mother.” The main celebrant of this Mass will be Archbishop Francis A. Chullikatt, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations.
The Mass begins at 4PM. We ask that everyone arrive about 3:30PM. All participants will be seated by country. Spaces are limited - we ask that you please advise us if you would like to join the Lithuanian delegation. We have already a set number of spaces reserved. If more Lithuanians will participate, we need to ask for more spaces as soon as possible.
The procession will begin immediately after the Mass at 5PM around the Times Square area with various banners, representing images of Our Lady from all over the world. These images were reproduced with the permission of photographers from the Holy Land, who were able to get these images for us from the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
For more information please see: www.oneworldonemother.com
With kind regards,
Ramute Zukas
Tel: 1-516-353-1229
Email: ramutezukas@hotmail.com and
Mindaugas Blaudziunas
Email: mindaugasb@msn.com
Tel: 1-516-353-1229
Email: ramutezukas@hotmail.com and
Mindaugas Blaudziunas
Email: mindaugasb@msn.com
Holy Innocents Church
128 West 37th Street, New York NY 10018
Nearby subway stations:
34th Street/Herald Sq – N,R,Q, B, D, F, M or 34th Street/Penn Station – 1,2,3
128 West 37th Street, New York NY 10018
Nearby subway stations:
34th Street/Herald Sq – N,R,Q, B, D, F, M or 34th Street/Penn Station – 1,2,3
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Mass at 4pm followed by The Procession of the International Madonnas through Times Square and back to the Church for closing prayers.
Mass at 4pm followed by The Procession of the International Madonnas through Times Square and back to the Church for closing prayers.
Legionaries of Christ and Holy Innocents Church
Main Celebrant: Archbishop Francis A. Chullikatt
Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
Special guest homilist: Fr John Bartunek, LC
Author of The Better Part and The Guide to the Passion
Email: info@oneworldonemother.com
Main Celebrant: Archbishop Francis A. Chullikatt
Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
Special guest homilist: Fr John Bartunek, LC
Author of The Better Part and The Guide to the Passion
Email: info@oneworldonemother.com
Icons of Mary
The Icons of Mary are images from the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth (Israel). Many countries have donated an iconic image that represents their native devotion to Our Lady. These images are on display in the courtyard of the Basilica and inside the church. With the permission of Holy Land photographers, we are able to reproduce these images into banners for this event.
If you do not see your country represented here, email us at info@oneworldonemother.com and we will work together to get a banner on display for the Mass and procession on May 7, 2011.
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The Rosary
The Rosary is a devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary. The word Rosary comes from the Latin word rosarium meaning garden of roses. The Rosary consists of five repeated sequences called decades and they consist of one Our Father, followed by 10 Hail Mary's and concluding with one Glory Be. In between the decades, one can say the "Oh My Jesus" prayer and conclude the rosary with the "Hail Holy Queen". The decades correspond to the five Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous, or Glorious Mysteries, which focus on important principal events of the life of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother. We pray the Rosary to reflect and meditate on these events as well as to honor the Virgin Mary and give praise to Our Lord.
A Guide on How to say The Rosary